Großer Zapfenstreich

Großer Zapfenstreich

The _de. Großer Zapfenstreich ("Grand Tattoo") is a military ceremony performed in Germany and Austria. It is similar to the military tattoo ceremony carried out in English-speaking countries, and is the most important ceremonial act executed by the German federal armed forces, the Bundeswehr. The Zapfenstreich is performed only on the occasion of national celebrations and solemn public ceremonies, or to honour distinguished persons at such special events as the leave-taking ceremony for German presidents; also at the conclusion of large military exercises. It takes place in the evening hours and consists of a military formation including at least one military band, two platoons of armed infantrymen and two lines of soldiers carrying torches, all in all about 400 men.


The Zapfenstreich originated in the military as a sign of the end of daily activities in both field and garrison. The term was mentioned for the first time in 1596. The Saxon major Hans von Fleming described this military custom for the first time in detail in his book "The Perfect German Soldier" (1726). The Zapfenstreich was a trumpet signal to end the selling of liquor in the military quarters and to prepare for lights out. To underline that order, the sergeant major walked across the military camp and hit the taps of the casks with a stick ( _de. "streichen" is an old German word for "to hit"). In 1813 the Prussian king Friedrich Wilhelm III witnessed the evening ceremony of the Russian army after the battle of Großgörschen near Berlin. He was deeply impressed of the religious parts of the ceremony, especially of a choral version of the Lord's Prayer. As a reaction the king ordered a similar religious act to become part of the Prussian Zapfenstreich. About 20 years later, in 1838, the Zapfenstreich in its current appearance was desiged by the Prussian music director Wilhelm Wieprecht, when he arranged a so calledmonstre concertfor the prussian king and his guest, the tsar of Russia, in Potsdam. Over 1,000 musicians performed the Prussian tattoo signals, a new composed tattoo march and the choralIch bete an die Macht der Liebe” (I pray to the power of love), which was composed by the Russian musician Dmytro Bortniansky, while the text was written by Gerhard Tersteegen. Later on, after the foundation of the German Reich in 1871, the emperor's hymn Heil Dir im Siegerkranz became part of the Zapfenstreich, but was only played when the emperor was present during the ceremony. After the lost World War I the new national anthem, theDeutschlandliedby Hoffmann von Fallersleben, replaced the old imperial hymn in 1922.

The word Zapfenstreich ("strike the tap") is similar to the Dutch "tap toe", from which the English word "tattoo" comes from. Like the tattoo military ceremony, it is based around retiring from the day's work.

The Großer Zapfenstreich in its current form originated in the first half of the 19th century during the reign of Prussian king Frederick William III. It featured the troops presenting arms, a prayer and a military song. During the wars of liberation the expansion of the tap caper, as arranged 1813, followed thereby the example of Russia, Austria and Sweden.

The form of the Großer Zapfenstreich changed several times, but was arranged by the Friedrich Wilhelm Wieprecht, then director of music of the music corps of the Prussian Guard Corps. It was first performed on 12 May 1838 in Berlin in honour of the Russian Czar Nicholas I. After the Prussian victory against France in 1871, a prayer was added. Since 1922, a rendition of the national anthem "Deutschlandlied" has taken place at the conclusion of the ceremony. When foreign heads of state or military units are guests, their respective national anthems are played.

The German Democratic Republic reinstated the Großer Zapfenstreich in 1962, supplementing the traditional German ceremony with music based on "elements of the progressive military inheritance"; for example, this included the song "For the Peace of the World," composed by Soviet composer Dmitri Shostakovich.


The Großer Zapfenstreich consists of four components:
* Marching-up of the formation, the military band is playing the Yorckscher Marsch by Ludwig van Beethoven
* "Serenade": up to four songs which are chosen by the honoured person (in case of the Zapfenstreich performed at a dismissal), otherwise chosen by the acting military band
* Großer Zapfenstreich:
**Locken zum Zapfenstreich (Announcing the tattoo) by the drummers
**Preußischer Zapfenstreichmarsch (Prussian Tattoo March) by the band
**Retraite mit drei Posten (Retraite with three posts, i.e. traditional old cavalry signals) by the band
**Ruf zum Gebet (Calling to prayer) by the drummers
**Gebet:Ich bete an die Macht der Liebe” (“Kol Slavenby Dmytro Bortniansky) by the band
**Ruf nach dem Gebet (Call after the prayer) by the band
**National anthem of Germany by the band
* Marching out of the formation, the military band is playing the Prussian Tattoo March again

The Großer Zapfenstreich is the highest honor that the German Federal Armed Forces can render to a civilian. Two of the most impressiveGroße Zapfenstreichewere those to farewell the allied troops in Berlin in 1994 and on the occasion of the departure from office of the German chancellor Helmut Kohl in Speyer in 1998.

People who are entitled to be honoured with aGroßer Zapfenstreichare:
*The president of Germany
*The chancellor of Germany
*The minister of defence of Gemany
*Lieutenant generals and generals (vice admirals and admirals) of the Bundeswehr

Participants in the Großer Zapfenstreich involve at least a military band with an additional fifes and drums corps, two escort platoons, and an honor formation of torch carriers.

There may be regional variations. For example, the performance of the "Großer Zapfenstreich" in Bavaria differs slightly from the one above: instead of the "Prussian Tattoo March" the "Bavarian Tattoo March" is played, and instead of the "Gebet: Ich bete an die Macht der Liebe" the "Bavarian Military Prayer" by Johann Caspar Aiblinger is played.


There have been calls for the abolition of the Großer Zapfenstreich. The well-known politician Hans Koschnick of the Social Democratic Party labelled it "predemocratic" and "obsolete". In 1996, the Party of Democratic Socialism and the Green Party unsuccessfully motioned for the ceremony, or at least the prayer, to be abolished.

External links

* [ßer Zapfenstreichon the occasion of 40th anniversary of the Wachbataillon beim Bundesministerium der Verteidigung (Guard Bataillon for the Ministry of Defence) in 1997.]

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