

Hanlon is a surname, and may refer to

* Alfred Hanlon, British-born acrobat (see Hanlon-Lees)
* Alfred Charles Hanlon, New Zealand lawyer
* Darren Hanlon, Australian folk musician
* George Hanlon, British-born acrobat (see Hanlon-Lees)
* Glen Hanlon, Canadian ice hockey player and coach
* John Hanlon, New Zealand singer-songwriter
* Ned Hanlon, American baseball manager
* Richie Hanlon, fictional character from "Oz"
* Tommy Hanlon Jr, Australian television personality
* Thomas P. Hanlon, founder of Hanlon Electric of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
* William Hanlon, British-born acrobat (see Hanlon-Lees)

ee also

* Hannon
* O'Hanlon
* Hanlon's razor

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  • Hanlon — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Glen Hanlon (* 1957), kanadischer Einhockeytrainer Paul Hanlon (* 1990), schottischer Fußballspieler Siehe auch: Hanlon’s Razor (Hanlons Rasiermesser) Diese …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Hanlon — This name is of Irish origin, and is an Anglicized form of the Gaelic name O Lanluain , the prefix O , sometimes dropped in the modern forms of the name, meaning grandson , male descendant of , with the personal name Anman , derived from the… …   Surnames reference

  • Hanlon's razor — is an eponymous adage that reads: Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity. This particular form is attributed to a Robert J. Hanlon. However, earlier utterances that convey basically the same idea are known.… …   Wikipedia

  • Hanlon-Lees Action Theater — is an American entertainment company credited with the development of theatrical jousting. The company was formed in 1979 by partners Kent Shelton, Robin Wood, Richard Dikki Ellis, R. Vincent Park, Taso Stavrakis, and Stephen Omms… …   Wikipedia

  • Hanlon's Razor — Hanlon’s Razor (Übersetzung aus dem Englischen: Hanlons Rasiermesser) ist ein satirischer Ausspruch, der eine Aussage über den wahrscheinlichsten Grund von menschlichem Fehlverhalten trifft. Man könnte Hanlon’s Razor auch als geflügeltes Wort… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Hanlon’s Razor — (Übersetzung aus dem Englischen: Hanlons Rasiermesser) ist eine eponyme Lebensweisheit, die eine Aussage über den wahrscheinlichsten Grund von menschlichem Fehlverhalten trifft. Man könnte Hanlon’s Razor auch als geflügeltes Wort bezeichnen, wenn …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Hanlon House — (Stanley,Австралия) Категория отеля: 4 звездочный отель Адрес: 6 Marshall Street, 7331 Stanley …   Каталог отелей

  • Hanlon-Lees — A group of pre Vaudevillian acrobats founded in the early 1840s, the Hanlon Lees were world renowned practitioners of entortillation (an invented word based upon the French term entortillage , which translates to twisting or coiling ) – that is,… …   Wikipedia

  • Hanlon Parkway — The Hanlon Parkway is a high capacity at grade suburban expressway in the city of Guelph, Ontario, Canada, which connects it with Highway 401. It runs in a general north south direction in the city s west end. It is signed as Highway 6 for its… …   Wikipedia

  • Hanlon's Razor — (HAN.lunz ray.zur) idiom. A principle, used most often in computing circles, that says Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity. Example Citation: But faulty forecasts, here in Ireland anyway, are never, ever… …   New words

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