Thamnophis proximus rubrilineatus

Thamnophis proximus rubrilineatus

name = Redstripe Ribbon Snake

regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Reptilia
ordo = Squamata
subordo = Serpentes
familia = Colubridae
genus = "Thamnophis"
species = "T. proximus"
subspecies = "T. p. rubrilineatus"
trinomial = "Thamnophis proximus rubrilineatus"
trinomial_authority = Rossman, 1963

The Redstripe Ribbon Snake ("Thamnophis proximus rubrilineatus") is a species of garter snake found in the United States, in central Texas. It is semi-aquatic, spending most of its time on the edge of permanent bodies of water: Swamps, ponds, lakes, or slow moving streams. Their primary diet is amphibians, such as the northern cricket frog, ("Acris crepitans"), but they will also consume lizards, and small rodents. They get their common name from the distinctive red stripe down the center of their back. They are fast moving, and excellent swimmers.


*EMBL species|genus=Thamnophis|species=proximus

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