

Pseudodysphagia (fear of choking) is the irrational fear of swallowing or choking. The symptoms are psychosomatic in nature. The act of swallowing becomes mentally linked with choking, or with undercapacity of the esophageal opening. This can induce panic reactions prior to or during the act of swallowing. The sensation of difficult swallowing feels authentic to the affected individual, although it is based on nothing in reality. It is important that dysphagia (difficult or painful swallowing) be ruled out before a diagnosis of psuedodysphagia is made. Fear of choking is associated with anxiety, depression, panic attacks, hypochondriasis, and weight loss. The condition can occur in both children and adults, and is equally common among males and females. Quality of life can be severely affected. Avoidance of restaurants or social settings is also common, since sometimes food can only be taken in small bites or with liquid. [citebook|title=Deglutition and Its Disorders: Anatomy, Physiology, Clinical Diagnosis|author=Adrienne Perlman|year= 1997|publisher=Thomson Delmar Learning|id=ISBN 1565936213]


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  • Phagophobia — is a psychogenic dysphagia, a fear of swallowing.[1] It is expressed in various swallowing complaints without any apparent physical reason detectable by physical inspection and laboratory analyses. An obsolete term for this phobia is choking… …   Wikipedia

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