Krumme 13

Krumme 13

The Krumme 13 (translated as "Crooked 13"; also known as the K13) was a German organization of pro-pedophile activists, led by Dieter Gieseking, a former police officer. []


Founded in 1993 as a self-help group, the Krumme 13 mainly pushed for the legalization of what they called "adult-child sex". It dissolved in January 2003 under mounting public pressure. Specifically, the Krumme 13 demanded that §184 of the German penal code, which criminalizes child pornography, be abolished and §176 (outlawing sexual contacts with children, i.e. persons under the age of 14) and §182 (restricting sexual contacts of adults and persons under 16 years of age) at least be eased.

K13 also published a pedophile activist magazine, "Zeitschrift zur Emanzipation der Pädophilie", until 1996.

K13 also maintained a bookshop and a program to counsel prisoners convicted of child sexual abuse, which newspapers described as encouraging "them to continue the practise after release." [] [] According to AG Pädo [] and Ipce [] [] , two other pro-pedophile groups, the group's then-jailed leader was regarded as untrustworthy among the pedophile community, and the group itself as detrimental to the pedophile movement.


The group gained notoriety in 2001 after filing for legal recognition as a charitable society in Trier, a small German city. [Der Spiegel: Unter der Gürtellinie [] ]

Two members of K13 were arrested for an allegedly autobiographical, sexually-explicit story posted on their website,, detailing the abuse of an eleven-year-old boy by a thirty-year-old man. In September 2005, the appellate court decided that the work did not constitute child pornography.


External links

* - official weblog

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