

Porta can refer to:

* Transverse fissure of the liver
* Porta Maggiore in Rome, Italy
* Porta Nigra in Trier, Germany
* Porta San Paolo in Rome, Italy

* A mobile GSM carrier of Ecuador owned by América Móvil


* La Porta is a commune in the Haute-Corse
* Porta Westfalica in Germany
* Porta (Barcelona) a neighbourhood of Barcelona, Spain
* Porta, Pyrénées-Orientales, a commune in France


Or a surname referring to one the following people:

* Antonio della Porta (* 1631; † 1702), Italian architect
* Carlo Porta (* 1775; † 1821), Italian poet in the Milanese dialect
* Constanzo Porta (* 1528; † 1601), Italian composer of the Renaissance
* Giacomo della Porta (* 1532; † 1602), Italian sculptor and architect
* Giambattista della Porta (* 1535; † 1615), Neapolitanian physician and playwright
* Giovanni Porta (* 1675; † 1755), Italian composer
* Hugo Porta (* 1951), Argentinian rugby union footballer
* Livio Dante Porta (* 1923, † 2003), Argentinian engineer
* Porta a spanish rap singer

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  • Porta — bezeichnet bzw. ist: eine größere begehbare Öffnung in einem Bauwerk, siehe auch Tor (Architektur) in Wortzusammensetzungen einen Gebirgsdurchbruch oder Gebirgspass die umgangssprachliche Bezeichnung der Porta Westfalica (Durchbruchstal) die… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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  • porta — / pɔrta/ s.f. [lat. porta, affine a portus us porto2 ] (pl. e ; pop. ant. le porti ). 1. (archit.) a. [vano aperto in un muro o altra struttura per poter passare] ▶◀ accesso, adito, apertura, limite, passaggio, soglia, varco, [per entrare]… …   Enciclopedia Italiana

  • porta — s. f. 1. Abertura para entrar ou sair. 2. Peça que fecha essa abertura. 3. Peça idêntica em janela, armário, etc. 4.  [Figurado] Entrada; acesso; admissão. 5. Solução, expediente. 6. Espaço estreito e cavado por onde passa um rio. 7. No jogo do… …   Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa

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  • porta — adj. anat. Dícese del sistema venoso que comienza y termina en un sistema capilar. Medical Dictionary. 2011 …   Diccionario médico

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