L'Alcoran de Mahomet

L'Alcoran de Mahomet

L'Alcoran de Mahomet was the third western translation of the Qur'an, preceded by Lex Mahumet pseudoprophete and the translation by Mark of Toledo. The translation was made from Arabic into French by Sieur du Ryer in 1647.

Two years later, in 1649, Alexander Ross translated [http://www.msgr.ca/msgr-2/Koran%20-%20Nativity%20-%2002.htm] it to English from French, and included the following title-page:

:"The Alcoran of Mahomet, Translated out of Arabick into French. By the Sieur du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and Resident for the French King, at ALEXANDRIA. And Newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish Vanities. To which is prefixed, the Life of Mahomet, the Prophet of the Turks, and Author of the Alcoran. With a Needful Caveat, or Admonition, for them who desire to know what Use may be made of, or if there be danger in Reading the ALCORAN."

ee also

*List of translations of the Qur'an

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