- Ajoite
Ajoite is a
mineral which is part of the silicate class. Itschemical make up is (K,Na)Cu7Al(Si3O8)3(OH)6·3H2O, hydratedpotassium sodium copper aluminium silicate hydroxide . Ajoite is used as a minorore ofcopper .Ajoite is named after its main location in the
Ajo District ofPima County ,Arizona . It is a secondary mineral that forms from theoxidation of other secondary copper minerals. Ajoite’s color can range from blue green to light green. The luster is dull to resembling glass, thus it could be transparent to translucent. Its cleavage is perfect with ahardness of 3.5. Its streak is pale greenish white. Ajoite can also be found in other places like New Cornelia Mine, Ajo District, Pima County andWickenburg ,Maricopa County ,Arizona ,USA and the Messina District,South Africa .References
* [http://rruff.geo.arizona.edu/doclib/hom/ajoite.pdf Mineral Handbook]
* [http://www.mindat.org/min-66.html Mindat]
* [http://mineral.galleries.com/minerals/silicate/ajoite/ajoite.htm Mineral Galleries]
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