- 1145
* Estimation:
Merv in theSeljuk Empire becomes the largest city of the world, taking the lead fromConstantinople , capital of theByzantine Empire . [http://geography.about.com/library/weekly/aa011201a.htm]
*February 15 — Pietro Bernardo Paganelli ofMontemagno, Calci is elected asPope Eugene III , and succeedsPope Lucius II as the 167thpope .
* Pope Eugene III issues the bull "Quantum praedecessores ", calling for theSecond Crusade .
* Construction begins onNotre-Dame d'Chartres Cathedral inChartres, France .
*Kim Pusik and his team of historians finish the compilation of the Korean historical text "Samguk Sagi ".
*Woburn Abbey is founded.
*Arnold of Brescia joins the revolutionaryCommune of Rome , where he becomes its intellectual leader for the next decade.Births
Maria of Antioch , Byzantine Empress (d.1182 )
*Beatrice I, Countess of Burgundy , Empress of theHoly Roman Empire (d.1184 )
*Marie de Champagne , Countess of Champagne (d.1198 )
*Theodora Comnena , Queen of Jerusalem (approximate year)
*Frederick IV, Duke of Swabia (d.1167 )
*Pope Gregory IX (approximate year) (d.1241 )
*Ibn Jubayr , geographer, traveler and poet (d.1217 )
* Manuel Komnenos, son ofAndronikos Komnenos (d.1185 )
*Al-Adil I , Ayyubid-Egyptian general and ruler (d.1218 )
*Amalric II of Jerusalem (d.1205 )Deaths
February 15 —Pope Lucius II
*Zhang Zeduan , Chinese painter (born1085 )
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