

A fiasco (from Italian "fiasco", "flask") is a complete, abject, or utterly humiliating, failure. The word may also refer to:

* "Fiasco" (book), full title "Fiasco: The American Military Adventure In Iraq", by Thomas E. Ricks (2006)
* Fiasco (band), a noise rock / math rock trio formed in Brooklyn in 2005
* "Fiasco" (novel), a science fiction book by Stanislaw Lem (1987)
* fiasco (bottle), a traditional Italian straw-covered wine bottle
* Fiasco (L4 clone), an open-source L4 microkernel family microkernel operating system developed at TU Dresden
* FIASCO, the name used by very early versions of PSPP.
* FIASCO (image format), acronym of "Fractal Image And Sequence Codec", an image compression method []
* Fiasco (fMRI software), software for analyzing functional MRI data
* Fiasco, a fictional car model featured in Martin Amis's "Money" (novel)
* "The Labrador Fiasco", a novel by Margaret Atwood (1996)
* "The Tasmanian Babes Fiasco", a novel by John Birmingham (1997)
* Lupe Fiasco, rapper
* Wesley Willis Fiasco, a Chicago punk rock band
* The Casual Fiasco, a Burlingtom (VT) rock/reggae band
* "Fiestas and Fiascos", an LP album by Lifter Puller (2000)

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  • fiasco — [ fjasko ] n. m. • v. 1822; de la loc. it. far fiasco « échouer » 1 ♦ Défaillance, échec d ordre sexuel chez l homme. 2 ♦ Échec complet et notoire. ⇒fam. bide. L entreprise a fait fiasco. ⇒ échouer. Cette pièce est un fiasco. ⇒ four. Des fiascos …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Fiasco — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Para otros usos de este término, véase Fiasco (banda). Fiasco es la última obra de ciencia ficción escrita por el autor polaco Stanisław Lem (1921 2006) en 1986; publicada en catalán en 1988 por Laia y en castellano… …   Wikipedia Español

  • fiasco — FIÁSCO s.n. (livr.) Eşec total într o acţiune întreprinsă; insucces, nereuşită. – Din it. [far] fiasco. Trimis de LauraGellner, 10.05.2004. Sursa: DEX 98  FIÁSCO s. v. cădere, eşec, insucces, nereuşită, picare. Trimis de siveco, 21.08.2008.… …   Dicționar Român

  • fiasco — 1855, theater slang for a failure, by 1862 acquired the general sense of any dismal flop, on or off the stage. Via Fr. phrase fiare fiasco turn out a failure (19c.), from It. far fiasco suffer a complete breakdown in performance, lit. make a… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Fiasco — steht für folgende Begriffe einen amerikanischen Rapper, siehe Lupe Fiasco eine italienische Weinflasche, siehe Fiasco (Flasche) ein italienisches Volumenmaß, siehe Fiasco (Einheit) und in der Schreibweise Fiasko für Misserfolg und Reinfall,… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • fiasco — sustantivo masculino 1. Uso/registro: coloquial. Fracaso, sorpresa negativa que produce un hecho contrario a lo que se esperaba: Pensé que aprobaría, pero me llevé un fiasco cuando vi las notas. El proyecto ha resultado un fiasco, ya está en la… …   Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española

  • fiasco — (Del it. fiasco). m. Fracaso, decepción. Sus amores terminaron en completo fiasco …   Diccionario de la lengua española

  • fiasco — fiasco1 [fē as′kō] n. pl. fiascoes or fiascos [Fr < It ( far) fiasco, to fail < fiasco, bottle (< Gmc * flasko, FLASK)] a complete failure; esp., an ambitious project that ends as a ridiculous failure fiasco2 [fē äs′kō] n. pl. fiascoes… …   English World dictionary

  • Fiasco — (ital., d.i. Flasche), 1) Weinmaß in Toscana = 2,227 Litres, Ölmaß daselbst = 2,088 Litres. 2) Fiasco machen, Bankerott machen: 3) von Theaterstücken, durchfallen …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • fiasco — s.m. [dal germ. flaskun ] (pl. chi ). 1. [recipiente di vetro di forma ovale, con collo lungo e rivestitura di paglia o plastica] ▶◀ ‖ damigiana. ⇑ bottiglia. ● Espressioni: fig., fam., prendere fischi per fiaschi ▶◀ cadere in errore,… …   Enciclopedia Italiana

  • fiasco — ► NOUN (pl. fiascos) ▪ a ludicrous or humiliating failure. ORIGIN Italian, bottle, flask , used in the phrase far fiasco, literally make a bottle , figuratively fail in a performance …   English terms dictionary

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