
* May 15 - King John of England submits to Pope Innocent III, who in turn lifts the interdict of 1208.
* May 30 - Battle of Damme: The English fleet under William Longsword destroys a French fleet off the Belgian port, in the first major victory for the fledgling Royal Navy.
* September 12 - Battle of Muret: The Toulousain and Aragonese forces of Raymond VI of Toulouse and Peter II of Aragon are defeated by the Albigensian Crusade under Simon de Montfort.
* Jin China is overrun by the Mongols under Genghis Khan, who plunder the countryside and cities, until only Beijing remains free, despite two bloody palace coups and a lengthy siege.
* Pope Innocent III issues a charter, calling for the Fifth Crusade to recapture Jerusalem.
* Mukhali seizes Mizhou and orders all the inhabitants massacred.


* March 9 - Hugh IV, Duke of Burgundy, French crusader (d. 1271)
* June 10 - Fakhruddin 'Iraqi, Persian philosopher and Sufi mystic


* January 12 - Queen Tamar of Georgia (b. c. 1160)
* September 12 - King Peter II of Aragon (killed in battle) (b. 1174)
* September 24 - Gertrude of Merania, wife of Andrew II of Hungary (murdered) (b. 1185)
* October 10 - Frederick II, Duke of Lorraine
* Dowsprunk, Grand Prince of Lithuania
* Geoffrey Fitz Peter, 1st Earl of Essex
* Sharafeddin Tusi, Persian mathematician (b. 1135)
* April 18 - Marie of Montpellier, Lady of Montpellier, Queen of Aragon (b. 1182)

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