

__NOTOC__Linares refers to:


*Arsenio Linares y Pombo (18481914), Spanish military officer and government official
*Emilio Herrera Linares (18791967), Spanish military engineer; president of the Spanish government-in-exile, 19601962
*Fernando de Alencastre Noroña y Silva, duque de Linares (16411717), viceroy of New Spain 17111716
*Francisco Linares Alcántara (18251878), president of Venezuela 18771878
*José María Linares (18101861), president of Bolivia (18571861)
*Julio Linares (19301993), Panamanian-American jurist, politician, and historian
*Omar Linares (b. 1967), Cuban baseball player and Olympic medalist
*Pedro Linares (d. 1992), Mexican artist; creator of the paper maché figurines named "alebrijes"
*Fernando Borrego Linares, birth name of Polo Montañez (19552002), Cuban singer and songwriter
*Rebeca Linares, a Spanish pornographic actress.
*Lamotte Linares, a singer of Trinidadian descent.


*Linares, Chile, city in the Maule Region of Chile
*Linares Province, province in the Maule Region of Chile
*Linares, Nuevo León, city in the state of Nuevo León, Mexico
*Linares, Spain, city in the Andalusian province of Jaén, Spain
*Linares de Mora, town in Aragón, Spain
*José María Linares Province, Potosí Department, Bolivia


*CD Linares, football team in Linares, Spain
*Diocese of Linares, Chile
*Linares chess tournament in Linares, Spain
*Los Cadetes de Linares, Mexican band

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