Sweden national rugby union team
- Sweden national rugby union team
Rugby team
country =Sweden

imagesize = 90px
union = Svenska Rugbyförbundet
nickname =
captain =
coach = flagicon|Scotland Neil Johnson
from =
caps =
top scorer =
pattern_la1 =
pattern_b1 = _sweden_rugby
pattern_ra1 =
leftarm1 = 0000ff
body1 =
rightarm1 = 0000ff
shorts1 = 0000ff
socks1 = ffff00
first = flagicon|Sweden Sweden 6 - 0 Denmark flagicon|Denmark
bigwin = flagicon|Luxembourg Luxembourg 3 - 116 Sweden flagicon|Sweden
bigloss = flagicon|Soviet Union Soviet Union 72 - 0 Sweden flagicon|Sweden
no World cup apps = 0
year =
best = The Sweden national rugby union team is a member of the FIRA - Association of European Rugby and plays in the 2B division of the European Nations Cup.
External links
* [http://www.rugby.se Svenska Rugbyförbundet] - Official Site sv icon
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