Lemur License Agreement

Lemur License Agreement

Lemur is a toolkit designed to facilitate research in language modeling and information retrieval, where information retrieval is broadly interpreted to include such technologies as ad hoc and distributed retrieval, with structured queries, cross-language information retrieval, summarization, filtering, and categorization. The system's underlying architecture was built to support the technologies above. Lemur provides many useful sample applications, but is designed to allow easy programming of users' own customizations and applications. [http://www.lemurproject.org/lemur/overview.html]

The main authors of the license are Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Massachusetts. It is primarily used for studying search engines and information retrieval in universities, but can have broader use in the greater commercial and open source community. The underlying goal of the Lemur Project can be summarized from both an academic and industrial perspective: from an academic perspective, the Lemur Project encourages users to modify the Lemur Toolkit for their own learning, research, development, or teaching activities; from an industrial perspective, the Lemur Toolkit is efficient, well supported, and easy to integrate. [http://ciir.cs.umass.edu/~strohman/indri/]

The Lemur Project License

*The Lemur Toolkit License is not directly compatible with GPL. Both the Lemur Toolkit and its Indri counterpart use flexible BSD-inspired licenses.

*The License does not care whether the developer follows the original license terms or not. In the case of redistribution of the original source code, the license says every developer must at least mark the Lemur Project copyright notice on it.

*The Lemur Project License does not mention covered works except that in case of redistribution of the original source code, in which case the license asks the developer to ensure that the code has the Lemur Project copyright notice in it.

*The Lemur Project License does specify commercial usage rights or the rights of derivative works. However, if the developer wants to endorse or promote his derivative products using the name 'Lemur' or 'Indri', they must obtain the permission from the Lemur Project.

*The Lemur License does not explicitly state that a copy of the license must be included, but a notice bearing the copyright of the Lemur Project must be intact.

*The Lemur Project License is a flexible BSD-inspired license and does not state anything explicitly about adding to the license.

*Redistributions of source code must retain the Lemur License copyright notice. Redistributions in binary form must retain the Lemur License copyright notice as well as the other conditions of the license.

*The developer is free to decide whether the "or any later versions" clause may be added to the license.

Products derived from this software may not be called "Lemur" or "Indri" nor may "Lemur" or "Indri" appear in their names without prior written permission of The Lemur Project. To obtain permission, contact [http://www.lemurproject.org/license.html license@lemurproject.org.]

External links

* [http://www.lemurproject.org/ Lemur Project Website]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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