Yellow Quill First Nation

Yellow Quill First Nation

Yellow Quill First Nation (formerly Nut Lake Band of Saulteaux) is a Saulteaux First Nation located eight (8) Kilometers east of Rose Valley, Saskatchewan, Canada. The Yellow Quill First Nation is a signatory of Treaty No. 4, which was signed by Chief Yellow-quill on August 24, 1876.

Total registered population in October, 2007, was 2522, of which the on-reserve population was 800+ members, and off-reserve population was 1600+ members. The First Nation is a member of the Saskatoon Tribal Council and have their urban offices in Saskatoon, SK as well as their Tribal Council offices.


The First Nation was originally part of the Yellow-quill Saulteaux Band, a Treaty Band named after a Treaty 4 signatory Chief "Ošāwaškokwanēpi", whose name means "Green/Blue-quill." However, due to "š" merging with "s" in "Nakawēmowin" (Saulteaux language), this led to a mistranslation of his name as "Yellow-quill"—"yellow" being "osāw-", while "green/blue" being "ošāwaško-" (or "osāwasko-" in Saulteaux). Soon after the death of Chief "Ošāwaškokwanēpi", the Band divided into three groups, of which the central division about Nut Lake became the Nut Lake Band of Saulteaux, located on the Nut Lake Indian Reserve. In 1989, the Band changed their name to "Yellowquill"—one word—in honour the founding chief; however, when their post office opened in 1993, it was named as "Yellow Quill"—two words.


The First Nation have reserved for themselves four reserves:
* 5858.8 ha Yellowquill Indian Reserve 90 (formerly Nut Lake Indian Reserve 90), which serves as their main Reserve, containing the community of Yellow Quill, Saskatchewan.
* 64.8 ha Yellow Quill Indian Reserve 90-8
* 195 ha Yellow Quill Indian Reserve 90-18
* 37.1 ha Treaty Four Reserve Grounds (Indian Reserve 77), which is shared with 32 other First Nations.

In addition, there are 17,000 acres (69 km²) in newly acquired Treaty Land Entitlement lands.


Yellow Quill have an elected tribal council consisting of a chief and seven councillors. The current council for the three-year long electoral term ending on Novermber 24, 2008, consists of Chief Robert Whitehead and Councillors Larry Cachene, Marty Kishayinew, John Machiskinic, Kevin Machiskinic, Donna Poorman, Lorne Roper and Leonard Whitehead.


Yellow Quill operates Yellow Quill Health Centre, Nawigizigweyas School (K-12), Yellow Quill Daycare, Yellow Quill Water Treatment Plant, Yellow Quill Store, and the Band Office, all of which are on reserve.

Contact information

Yellow Quill First Nation
PO Box 40
Yellow Quill, SK S0A 3A0
:Phone: 1-306-322-2281
:Fax: 1-306-322-2304

External links

* [ profile from INAC]
* [ Community Information]
* [ Econimic Information]

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