Boston Beatdown

Boston Beatdown

Boston Beatdown is a documentary movie series on the violence in the Boston hardcore culture.

The Subjects

The Boston hardcore scene was in desperate need of breaking out, so a group of Boston hardcore fans created a group called Friends Stand United (FSU) who were credited for their aggressive methods of loyalty towards the scene.

The Documentary

This movie is based on some of the ideas and actions of FSU, as described in this article. The violent acts depicted in the film are recorded by members of that Boston hardcore crew. Their website claims that "Boston beatdown is an independent film companyand only an independent film company. Boston Beatdown is not FSU and FSU is not Boston Beatdown." [ Boston beatdown official site] ] .

There are two volumes to Boston Beatdown: Volume 1 is difficult to find on DVD, while Volume 2 is more accessible. While Volume 2 is widely praised within the scene, Volume 1 is less popular, featuring pornographic footage from Ozzfest and local bars, women urinating, and a woman removing her tampon. The Boston Hardcore scene has never come out and denounced Volume 1.

The film company claims that this is documentation of the FSU, and that the persons in the film were not acting or affected by the filming. [] ] . As result of the violence depicted in the film, FSU T-shirts were banned from many venues in the Northeastern United States.


ee also

*Boston hardcore

External links

* [ Boston beatdown official site]
* [ "Metroland Online" article on "Boston Beatdown" and FSU ]

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