- Epidemiological study
An Epidemiological study is a statistical study on human populations, which attempts to link human health effects to a specified cause.
See also
Epi Info software program
*OpenEpi software program
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
An Epidemiological study is a statistical study on human populations, which attempts to link human health effects to a specified cause.
See also
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
study — I n. investigation 1) to conduct, do, make a study 2) a careful, detailed, exhaustive, in depth, intensive, rigorous, thorough; scientific study 3) a classic, classical; definitive study 4) a case; epidemiological; experimental; time and motion… … Combinatory dictionary
Study design — A study design is an analytic approach to conduct an epidemiological investigation, such as a clinical trial. Types of designSome of the most popular designs are sorted below, with the ones at the top being the most powerful at reducing observer… … Wikipedia
Epidemiological methods — Texts and literature in epidemiology often make use of jargon related to epidemiological methods without reference to their actual definition. A number of basic concepts recur with particular frequency: * Hazard ratio, also known as the Incidence … Wikipedia
epidemiological — adj. of or pertaining to epidemiology, of or pertaining to the study of epidemics and their treatments (Medicine) … English contemporary dictionary
Millennium Cohort Study (United States) — The Millennium Cohort Study is an ongoing longitudinal cohort study designed to evaluate any long term health effects of military service, including deployments.[1] It is the largest population based prospective health project in US military… … Wikipedia
Cross-sectional study — Cross sectional studies (also known as Cross sectional analysis) form a class of research methods that involve observation of all of a population, or a representative subset, at one specific point in time. They differ from case control studies in … Wikipedia
Millennium Cohort Family Study — The Millennium Cohort Family Study is a sub study of the Millennium Cohort Study (United States) a US Department of Defense sponsored project being conducted to evaluate the long term effects of military service members and their families[1][2].… … Wikipedia
Ecological study — An ecological study is an epidemiological study in which the unit of analysis is a population rather than an individual. For instance, an ecological study may look at the association between smoking and lung cancer deaths in different countries.… … Wikipedia
Clinical study design — is the formulation of trials and experiments in medical and epidemiological research, sometimes known as clinical trials. Many of the considerations here are shared under the more general topic of design of experiments but there can be others, in … Wikipedia
Cohort study — For other senses of this word, see cohort (disambiguation). A cohort study or panel study is a form of longitudinal study (a type of observational study) used in medicine, social science, actuarial science, and ecology. It is an analysis of risk… … Wikipedia