Teloch De Oiad

Teloch De Oiad

Teloch De Oiad (voiced by Cynthia Benette) is the main character from the anime series Dev Empire, which ran on Cartoon Network's Toonami block from 2004 to 2005. Teloch is mostly known for his transformation sequence into "Mysterious Sailor Hero Blue", in which there is a short glimpse of her nipple. This controversy caused the series to be taken off the air during the first season for a few weeks in early 2005.

The problem was remedied by Cartoon Network changing Teloch's gender from female to male for the remainder of the American airing of the series, thus rendering the nipple inoffensive. This was criticized widely by fans, however the yaoi fan community in particular found the change to be a good one.

Due to the character's ambiguous gender, Teloch is the character from the series most featured in fan works such as fanfiction or fanart. He is often depicted in yaoi fan doujinshi with Evega, another character.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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