- Locally cyclic group
group theory , a locally cyclic group is a group ("G", *) in which every finitely generated subgroup is cyclic.ome facts
*Every cyclic group is locally cyclic, and every locally cyclic group is abelian.
*Every finitely-generated locally cyclic group is cyclic.
*Everysubgroup andquotient group of a locally cyclic group is locally cyclic.
*A group is locally cyclic if and only if every pair of elements in the group generates a cyclic group.
*A group is locally cyclic if and only if itslattice of subgroups is distributive.
*Thetorsion-free rank of a locally cyclic group is 0 or 1.Examples of locally cyclic groups that are not cyclic
*The additive group of
rational number s (Q, +) is locally cyclic -- any pair of rational numbers "a"/"b" and "c"/"d" is contained in the cyclic subgroup generated by 1/"bd".
*Let "p" be any prime, and let μ"p"∞ denote the set of all "p"th-power roots of unity in C, i.e.:
:Then μ"p"∞ is locally cyclic but not cyclic. This is the Prüfer "p"-group.
Examples of abelian groups that are not locally cyclic
*The additive group of
real number s (R, +) is not locally cyclic -- the subgroup generated by 1 and π consists of all numbers of the form "a" + "b"π. This group is isomorphic to the direct sum Z + Z, and this group is not cyclic.
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