Coup d'état of 1913

Coup d'état of 1913

The Coup of 1913 in the Ottoman Empire (January 23, 1913) resulted in the grand vizier Kiamil Pasha being driven from power and the replacement of Minister of War Nazim Pasha by İsmail Enver. It effectively ended the London Peace Conference and marked a significant point in the Ottoman government's progress towards centralization.


The most notable effect of the coup was its strengthening of the reform movement. Though opposed in principle to the extension of local autonomy to the provinces, the CUP political party that had been further empowered by the coup seemed inclined to reconcile with those in favor of greater extension of the millet system.


The coup essentially replaced the sultan's actual authority with a dictatorial triumvirate known as the Three Pashas: the minister of the interior, Mehmed Talat Pasha, the minister of war, İsmail Enver, and the naval minister, Ahmed Djemal. All are highly controversial today because it was these men who led the Ottoman Empire into World War I. Mehmed Talat Pasha is particularly contentious in Turkey 21st century today due to his alleged role in the Armenian Genocide.


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