- Caffè macchiato
Caffè macchiato (IPA2|maʔˈkja(ː)to, sometimes called Espresso macchiato) a type of
coffee , isespresso with a small amount of hot, foamedmilk ."Macchiato" simply means "marked" or "stained," and in the case of caffè macchiato, this means literally "espresso stained/marked with milk." Traditionally it is made with one shot of espresso, and the small amount of added milk was the "stain." However, later the "mark" or "stain" came to refer to the foamed milk that was put on top to indicate the beverage has a little milk in it (usually about a teaspoon [in fact, the Portuguese word for a macchiato is "pingo," which means "drop"] ). The reason was for thebarista s to show the serving waiters the difference between an espresso and an espresso with a little milk in it; the latter was "marked". In the United States, "macchiato" is more likely to describe this variant (in contrast tolatte macchiato ), and thus arises the common confusion that "macchiato" literally means "foam," or that a macchiato must necessarily have foam. (As the term "macchiato" to describe this type of coffee predates the common usage of foam in coffee by centuries, the staining "agent," the additive that lightens the dark espresso, is traditionally the milk, not the foam.)Trends
:"See also:
latte macchiato and caffè latte.Some newer cafes tend to add steamed milk to the espresso in a 1:1 ratio, as well as mixing the milk into the espresso, making it more like a miniature caffè latte orCortado . Some people call this "piccolo latte".Another variant of the drink,
latte macchiato , conversely means "milk stained/marked (with espresso)", and indicates milk with just a little espresso in it (always less than in a caffè latte). However, in certain preparations (which differ from place to place), latte macchiato has not much difference in milk-to-espresso ratio when compared to the caffè latte; caffè lattes are normally one-third espresso to two-thirds steamed milk.References
* cite book
last = Davids | first = Kenneth
year = 2001
title = Coffee: A Guide to Buying, Brewing, and Enjoying
edition = 5e
isbn = 031224665X
location = New York, NY, USA
publisher = St. Martin's GriffinExternal links
* [http://www.pochendorfer.com/macchiato/macchiato.html Other description of Macchiato]
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