

Psammetichus or Psamtik was the name of three Egyptian pharaohs of the 26th Saite Dynasty. Psamtik was also a fictional name of one of the GTVA capital warships in the computer game "FreeSpace 2".

*Psammetichus I
*Psammetichus II
*Psammetichus III

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  • PSAMMETICHUS I — PSAMMETICHUS I. Rex Aegypti, cuius saevitiâ (testibus Herodotô ac Diodorô Siculô) ducenta milia hominum ex Aegypto in Aethiopiam profugêre. Strabo, l. 16. Tenessis regio vocatur, quam qui psammetichum fugerunt, obtinent, et Sebritaenominantur,… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

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  • PSAMMETICHUS II — PSAMMETICHUS II. fil. Amasis, mense regni 6. captus a Cambyse, filiarum servitutem, et filii mortem fortiter ferens, amici periclitantis calamitati illachry matus est, Idem Herodot. l. 2. et 3 …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • Psammetichus I — King 664 610 BC.     The Egyptian local princes who had intrigued with *Taharka, the Ethiopian ruler of Egypt, against the *Assyrians were removed to Nineveh. One of these *Necho I, the Prince of Sais and his son Psammetichus were returned to… …   Ancient Egypt

  • Psammetichus II — King 595 589 BC.     The reign of Psammetichus II, the son and successor of *Necho II, was brief but not uneventful; more monuments have survived from his time than from the reigns of his two predecessors.     Stelae from Tanis and Karnak and… …   Ancient Egypt

  • Psammetichus III — King 526 525 BC.     Amasis died in 526 BC and his throne was briefly inherited for a few months by his son, Psammetichus III.     Cambyses, King of *Persia, had invaded Egypt in 525 BC: the Egyptians fought the Battle of Pelusium with great… …   Ancient Egypt

  • Psammetichus —    See Psamtik I. Historical Dictionary Of Ancient Egypt by Morris L. Bierbrier …   Ancient Egypt

  • ПСАММЕТИХ —    • Psammetichus,          Ψαμμήτιχος, царь египетский. После долгой анархии, во время которой захватывали власть то эфиопские, то туземные узурпаторы, Египет несколько успокоился под правлением 12 царей, правящих сообща (додекархия) с 670 г.… …   Реальный словарь классических древностей

  • Psamtik II — Pharaoh Infobox Name= Psamtik II | Caption=Fragmentary statue head of Psamtik. NomenHiero= p:z m T:k Nomen= Psammetichus PrenomenHiero=ra nfr ib | Prenomen= Neferibre Golden= Nebty= HorusHiero= mn:n x:t U22*Z1 Horus= Reign=595 ndash;589 BC… …   Wikipedia

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