Sink (disambiguation) — Sink may refer to:* Sink, a bowl shaped fixture, usually made of porcelain or stainless steel, that is used for washing hands or small objects * Sink (geography), an area of dry land below sea level, for example the Salton Sink * Sink… … Wikipedia
Stream (computing) — In computing, the term stream is used in a number of ways, in all cases referring to a succession of data elements made available over time.*On Unix and related systems based on the C programming language, a stream is a source or sink of data,… … Wikipedia
SNK — Sink (Academic & Science » Architecture) **** Sneak (Community » Law) **** Sneak (Governmental » Military) * Shin Nihon Kikaku (Business » Firms) * Sunk (Governmental » Military) * Strong Named Key (Computing » Software) * Snyder, Texas USA… … Abbreviations dictionary
Computer cooling — An OEM AMD heatsink mounted onto a motherboard. Computer cooling is required to remove the waste heat produced by computer components, to keep components within their safe operating temperature limits. Various cooling methods help to improve… … Wikipedia
Laptop — A desktop replacement laptop with its 18.4 inch screen showing its technical specifications. A laptop, also called a notebook,[1][2] is a personal computer for … Wikipedia
Magnetic refrigeration — Gadolinium alloy heats up inside the magnetic field and loses thermal energy to the environment, so it exits the field cooler than when it entered. Magnetic refrigeration is a cooling technology based on the magnetocaloric effect. This technique… … Wikipedia
Video card — image = Gpu connections.png Connects to Motherboard via one of: ISA MCA VLB PCI AGP PCI X PCI Express Others Display via one of: VGA connector Digital Visual Interface Composite video S Video Component video … Wikipedia
OTOY — OTOY комплекс аппаратных и программных решений, методик и средств, предназначенный для обработки графических вычислений на стороне сервера и отправки результатов в виде аудио и видеопотока клиенту на веб браузер через сетевые соединения,… … Википедия
Ad-hoc On-demand Distance Vector — AODV (pour Ad hoc On Demand Distance Vector) est un protocole de routage destiné aux réseaux mobiles (en mode ad hoc). Il est à la fois capable de routage Unicast et Multicast. Il est libre de boucle, auto démarrant et s accommode d un grand… … Wikipédia en Français
Thermosiphon — (alt. thermosyphon) refers to a method of passive heat exchange based on natural convection which circulates liquid in a vertical closed loop circuit without requiring a conventional pump. Its intended purpose is to simplify the pumping of liquid … Wikipedia