- Gigabit
A gigabit is a unit of information or computer storage, abbreviated Gbit (or Gb).
1 gigabit = 109 = 1,000,000,000
bit s (which is equal to 125 decimalmegabyte s or 122 binarymebibyte s, as 8 "bit s" equals one "byte ")The gigabit is closely related to the
gibibit , which is unambiguously equal to 230 bits = 1,073,741,824 bits.Note that the difference between a billion bits and a gibibit is greater than 7%. This is sufficient to make it economically compelling to represent certain classes of storage devices in (true) gigabits or gigabytes rather than gibibits/
gibibyte s. RAM and flash chips are usually required to have a capacity that is apower of two , but other devices likehard disk drive s need not.ee also
*Gigabit per second
*Gigabit Ethernet and10 Gigabit Ethernet
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.