Georges Jacob

Georges Jacob

Georges Jacob (Cheny, Burgundy, 6 July 17391814, master 1765) was one of the two most prominent Parisian master "menuisiers", producing carved, painted and gilded beds and seat furniture and upholstery work for the French royal châteaux, in the early Neoclassical style that is usually associated with Louis Seize.

Jacob arrived in Paris in 1754 and apprenticed with the chairmaker Jean-Baptiste Lerouge where he met Louis Delanois, whose advanced neoclassical taste was to have a great influence on Jacob, who was received master 4 September 1765, presenting for his masterpiece a small chair of gilded wood, which survives. Without marrying either the daughter or the widow of an established "menuisier", [Jacob married in 1767 Jeanne-Germaine Loyer with whom he had five children.] Jacob set up his own premises. He employed in his workshop numerous specialist carvers and gilders. In 1785 Jacob produced the first mahogany chairs "à l'anglaise", for the comte de Provence. He retired in 1796, leaving his workshop in the hands of his sons, one of whom was François-Honoré-Georges Jacob-Desmalter. When his other son died, Jacob returned from retirement to oversee the constant supply of furnishings for Napoleon's residences.

After Delanois' early death, Jacob's only serious rival in his field was Jean-Baptiste-Claude Sené.



* [ (Getty Museum) Georges Jacob]
* [,14.htm (Metropolitan Museum of Art) Side chair from a suite made for Marie Antoinette at the Tuileries, 1784]

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