- St. Mark Catholic High School (Ottawa)
Infobox Education in Canada
name= St. Mark Catholic High School
motto= Respect and Responsibility
street address= 1040 Dozois Rd.
postal code= K4M 1B2
area code= 613
phone= 692-2551
url= http://www.ottawacatholicschools.ca/mrh/
schoolboard=Ottawa Catholic School Board
principal= Joe Veryard
viceprincipal= Don Nault
Deborah Kealey
Bill Walsh
schooltype= Ottawa Catholic High School
grades= 7-12
language= English, French
teamname= Lions
colours= Red, White, Black
founded= 1980
enrollment= 1734
staff= 130
footnotes=list of Ottawa schools Opened in
1980 , St. Mark Catholic High School is located inManotick , a smallvillage in the city ofOttawa . With an enrollment of roughly 1700 students, St. Mark is known as one of the more populated schools in the area.Infrastructure
*Student Enrollment: 1734
*Number of Staff: 130
*Principal: Joe Veryard
*Vice Principals: Don Nault, Deborah Kealey, Bill WalshThe school is in the
Ottawa Carleton Catholic School Board [http://www.occdsb.on.ca/media.php?mid=9343 Drawing Region]Funding, Guidelines, Curriculum, etc... are responsibilities of the Ministry of Education in Ontario.
*75 classrooms
*1 port-a-pak with 12 classrooms
*21 portables
*2 drama rooms
*2 music rooms
*2 gyms
*St. Mark's new addition includes 1 Science Lab, 1 Computer Lab, 1 Dance/Drama Studio, 1 Conference Room, and Several Classrooms [ [http://www.ottawacatholicschools.ca/mrh/announce.php?annon=3579 Ottawa Catholic School Board - St. Mark Catholic High School - St. Mark Newsletter ] ]History
Originally built in 1980 as Southern Catholic Junior High with only grades 7 and 8, St. Mark received extensions and added grades 9 through 13 over the next seven years [http://www.occdsb.on.ca/media.php?mid=14619] . There are a few original faculty members who still teach at St. Mark along with many others who have long been a part of the staff. In 2005, St. Mark celebrated its 25th anniversary and past faculty and alumni were invited to attend reunion festivities.
Among the courses taught at St. Mark are Religion and Family Studies, Philosophy, Social Sciences, Mathematics, Sciences, English, French, History, Geography, Technological Studies, Business Studies, Computer Sciences, Physical Education, Music, Dance, Visual Arts and Photography. The school also believes in the philosophy of inclusion and integrates all students with special learning needs into their regular activities [ [http://www2.occdsb.on.ca/profile.php?profileID=46 Ottawa Catholic School Board - School Board - Profile ] ] .
chool Activities and Clubs
St. Mark is well known for their charitable activities in the area, more specifically their annual Canned Food Drive. Every year, St. Mark students collect non-perishable food items to donate to local food banks. Last year the school collected roughly 57,000 food items. Also, every year St. Mark participates in the Dominican Experience in which some students travel to the
Dominican Republic to witness first hand the poverty that some third world nations face. Both activities spark much school spirit through fund raising. Popular clubs in the school include OSAID, Peer Helping, Student Council, The St. Mark Players (drama club), Concert Band and Jazz Band, among others.t. Mark Lions
St. Mark has teams for many different sports including basketball, volleyball, curling, golf, tennis and hockey, among others. St. Mark is also well known for their football teams. Both the junior and senior teams frequent the regional finals every season and many of their players are selected for outside competitive teams. In 2006 the senior boys football team, led by coach Paul Brown, offensive and defensive lineman Scott Mitchell (who now plays for the NCAA's Rice Owls) and an unbelieveable offensive system, won the Ontario Provincial Championship. The football program even has its own website at http://www.stmarkfootball.com/ for game information and scores.
External links
*St. Mark's Webpage http://www.occdsb.on.ca/mrh/
*St. Mark's OCCSB Profile http://www.occdsb.on.ca/profile.php?profileID=46
*St. Mark's Historical Profile http://www.occdsb.on.ca/media.php?mid=14619
*Ministry of Education in Ontario http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ministry_of_Education_%28Ontario%29
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.