

Tonante Fender headstock] Tonante, initially called Ao Rei dos Violões Limitada ("To the King of Acoustic Guitars" in English), was started in April 5 of 1954 by the Portuguese brothers Abel and Samuel Tonante who artisanelly built musical instruments, thirty years after their arrival in Brazil. Tonante is one of the most known stringed instruments manufactures in Brazil, together with companies such as Tagima, Giannini and Dolphin.

Relevance to the Brazilian Musical History

Tonante is particularly important to the Brazilian musical history because during the militar dictatorship there was a policy of Import substitution which forbade or severely restricted imports, and thus Tonante was heavily popular at that time when the Jovem Guarda or Yê-Yê-Yê movement arose. People bought Tonante guitars because there wasn't anything better at that time. Tonante was one of the companies who helped popularize stringed instruments in Brazil, and many people began playing on Tonante guitars.

Cult Status

Although early Tonante instruments were often plagued by low quality electronics, relatively rough and uncomfortable shapes, bad finish, they have attained a somewhat cult status because they are historically significant. A vintage Tonante guitar can be worth as much as BRL 170,00 (roughly USD 80,00), which is impressive since a Tonante guitar costs almost nothing to make.Tonante Instruments are cheap and low-quality, since they are made for beginning guitar players.

Early Models

* Tonante Fender, also known as Tonante FInder - a cheap mix between a Stratocaster and a Jazzmaster.
* Various cavaquinhos and acoustic guitars.

Current Models

* Tonante Erton - a somewhat better than the Tonante Finder stratocaster copy.
* Tonante Starlight - a heavy metal guitars with an interesting vibrola system derived from the Floyd Rose and three single coil pickups.
* Tonante Les Paul - a flat top Les Paul copy.
* Various banjos, acoustic guitars and cavaquinhos.

Famous Users

* Roberto Carlos

External links

* [ Tonante] - official website, in Portuguese.

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