Farman F.400

Farman F.400

Infobox Aircraft

type=Three-seat Cabin monoplane
first flight=1934
primary user=
more users=
number built=
variants with their own articles=

The Farman F 400 was a 1930s French three-seat cabin high-winged monoplane which was designed and built by Farman.

Design and development

The Farman series "400" was a revolution for its builder because it had a thin, cantilever-constructed, high wing, with round edges, which could be dismounted for better storage and transportation.

The aeroplane had mixed construction. Fuselage made of steel tubes, wing had wood frame.

This version, the Farman F 402, had a Lorraine 5 Pb 5-cylinder radial engine of convert|110|HP|abbr=on, but the plane in the picture had it changed for a 9-cylinder radial engine Salmson of convert|120|HP|abbr=on.

F 402 has an unusual peculiarity, which is that the control stick hangs from the ceiling of the cockpit, and the rudder control is a vertical steering wheel.

The fuel tanks, which are placed inside the wings, have a capacity of 200 liters .

The landing gear structure is constructed of iron bars, which allows this plane to land "hardly" in short space.

The fuselage and the wings are made of wood and covered with plywood.

This aircraft served, among other countries, in Spain, during the 1936-1939 civil war, on both sides.


;F.400:Three-seat cabin monoplane.;F.402:Powered by a 120-hp (89-kW) Lorraine 5Pb radial piston engine.;F.403:Powered by a 150-hp (112-kW) Farman engine.;F.404:Similar to the F.403, powered by a 120-hp (890kW) Renault engine.


One aircraft survives and is on display at the Spanish "Museo del Aire" painted like the republican one which was used in Zaragoza during the civil war as a transport, communication and ambulance aircraft.

pecifications (F 402)

aircraft specifications

plane or copter?=plane
jet or prop?=prop
crew= three seats
length main=8.25 m
length alt=27 ft
span main=11.72 m
span alt=38 ft 5 in
height main=2.07 m
height alt=6 ft 9 in
area main=21.5 m²
area alt=231.42 ft²
empty weight main=681 kg
empty weight alt=1500 lb
loaded weight main=1150 kg
loaded weight alt=2535 lb
max takeoff weight main=
max takeoff weight alt=
engine (prop)=1
type of prop=Wooden
number of props=1
power main= 82.0-89.5kW
power alt= 110-120 hp
power original=
max speed main=194 km/h
max speed alt=105,8 knots
max speed more=
cruise speed main=170 km/h
cruise speed alt=91.8 knots
cruise speed more
range main=1,000 km
range alt=540 NM
range more=
ceiling main=4,000 m
ceiling alt=13.123 ft
climb rate main=
climb rate alt=
loading main=53.5kg/m²
loading alt=11 lb/ft²
power/mass main= 0.078 kw/kg
power/mass alt= 0.047hp/lb
* None

ee also

see also=
*Farman Aviation Works
*Henry Farman
similar aircraft=

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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