Pulsatilla pratensis

Pulsatilla pratensis

name = "Pulsatilla pratensis"

image_width = 240px
image_caption = Plant of subsp. "bohemica" in flower
regnum = Plantae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis = Magnoliopsida
ordo = Ranunculales
familia = Ranunculaceae
genus = "Pulsatilla"
species = "P. pratensis"
binomial = "Pulsatilla pratensis"
binomial_authority = (L.) Mill.

"Pulsatilla pratensis" (Small Pasque Flower) is a species of the genus "Pulsatilla", native to central and eastern Europe, from southeast Norway and western Denmark south and east to Bulgaria. It grows from near sea level in the north of the range, up to 2,100 m in the south of its range.Flora Europaea: [http://rbg-web2.rbge.org.uk/cgi-bin/nph-readbtree.pl/feout?FAMILY_XREF=&GENUS_XREF=Pulsatilla+&SPECIES_XREF=pratensis&TAXON_NAME_XREF=&RANK= "Pulsatilla pratensis"] ] Blamey, M. & Grey-Wilson, C. (1989). "Flora of Britain and Northern Europe". ISBN 0-340-40170-2.]

It is a herbaceous perennial plant growing to 8–30 cm tall. The leaves are finely divided and thread-like, and densely covered with silvery hairs. The flowers are 2-3 cm long, pendulous, bell-like, the tepals with reflexed tips; flower colour varies from purple in the north of the species' range to greenish-violet in the south. The flowers are hermaphrodite, and are pollinated by bees; flowering is from early to mid spring. [Plants of Hungary: [http://www.terra.hu/haznov/htm/Pulsatilla.pratensis.hungarica.html "Pulsatilla pratensis" (in Hungarian)] ]

There are four subspecies:Naturfoto: [http://www.naturfoto.cz/koniklec-lucni-cesky-fotografie-3607.html "Pulsatilla pratensis" subsp. "bohemica" (in Czech)] ]
*"Pulsatilla pratensis" subsp. "pratensis"
*"Pulsatilla pratensis" subsp. "bohemica" Skalický
*"Pulsatilla pratensis" subsp. "hungarica" Soó
*"Pulsatilla pratensis" subsp. "nigricans" (Störck) Zämelis

"Pulsatilla pratensis" subsp. "hungarica" is endemic to Hungary, where it is protected by law. [European plant data sheets: [http://www.plant-talk.org/country/hungary.html Plant conservation in Hungary] ] It occurs on open sand-plains and avoids limestone, and can only be found in two regions of Hungary, the Nyírség and Bodrogköz. [Simon, T. (2000). "A magyarországi edényes flóra határozója" ("Field guide to the vascular flora of Hungary").]

Cultivation and uses

This plant is toxic, but can be dissipated through heat or drying. It has medicinal uses, and can be used externally to cure ulcers and inflammation in the eyes. It is especially useful in the treatment of children and infants.Plants for a Future: [http://www.pfaf.org/database/plants.php?Pulsatilla+pratensis "Pulsatilla pratensis"] ]


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