Japanese destroyer Akatsuki

Japanese destroyer Akatsuki

"Akatsuki" and damaged the fast minesweeper "Zane" (DMS-14). In return, "Akatsuki" was damaged by coastal artillery.

Three weeks later, "Akatsuki" returned to Ironbottom Sound as part of a powerful bombardment force built around the battleships "Hiei" and "Kirishima". On the night of 12–13 November 1942, in the Naval Battle of Guadalcanal, this unit encountered a task force of U.S. Navy destroyers and cruisers. Operating on the right flank of the Japanese battleships, "Akatsuki" was heavily hit by American gunfire and sank early in the action, with the loss of all but a few of her crewmen. Only eight crewmen (out of a total complement of 197) survived the sinking of "Akatsuki" and were later captured by U.S. forces.

Commanding officers

* Chief Equipping Officer: Lt. Cmdr. Ichimatsu Takahashi: 16 May 193230 November 1932
* Lt. Cmdr. / Cmdr. Ichimatsu Takahashi: 30 November 193215 November 1934 (Promoted to Commander on 1 December 1932.)
* Lt. Cmdr. Masao Tachibana: 15 November 193415 November 1935
* Cmdr. Tamekiyo Oda: 15 November 19351 December 1936
* Cmdr. Yasuo Sato: 1 December 19366 July 1937
* Cmdr. Katsukiyo Shinoda: 6 July 19378 October 1937
* Cmdr. Kiichiro Shoji: 8 October 193716 May 1938
* Cmdr. Takeo Koyama: 16 May 19381 August 1938
* Lt. Cmdr. / Cmdr. Yoshio Kawashima: 1 August 193815 November 1940 (Promoted to Commander on 15 November 1939).
* Lt. Cmdr. Kyuji Aoki: 15 November 194013 April 1942
* Lt. Cmdr. / Cmdr. Osamu Takasuka: 13 April 194213 November 1942 (KIA) (Promoted to Commander on 1 November 1942.)

See also

* List of World War II ships
* List of ships of the Japanese Navy
* List of Japanese Navy ships and war vessels in World War II


External links

* [http://www.history.navy.mil/photos/sh-fornv/japan/japsh-a/akatsuk3.htm Japanese Navy Ships - Akatsuki (Destroyer, 1932)] Naval Historical Center
* [http://www.combinedfleet.com/akatsu_c.htm CombinedFleet.com: "Akatsuki"-class destroyers]

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