Petr Cibulka

Petr Cibulka

Petr Cibulka (October 27, 1950 in Brno, Czechoslovakia) is a Czech politician, one of the instantly recognizable public personalities in today's Czech Republic.

As one of signatories of Charter 77 Cibulka was imprisoned repeatedly for various fabricated offenses and spent total of 5 years in prison before the Velvet revolution in 1989. During the Velvet revolution he was arrested and put in prison again but got released during the events, as the crowds gathered in front of the prison he was held in and demanded it.

Cibulka lists

In early 1990s he secured his place in Czech history by publishing a list of agents and collaborators of the Czechoslovak secret police StB, since then known as "Cibulka lists" ("Cibulkovy seznamy"). Until then this information was kept secret and occasionally used as a way to discredit a political opponent. The publishing was unsuccessfully opposed by those who were afraid of mob lynching or who preferred to forget this part of the past or have it forgotten. The main opponent of publication was Václav Havel - then president of the country and a friend of Cibulka. There was a very public exchange of opinions ("Vašku ty jsi prase!", "Václav, you are a pig!"), which effectively ended their friendship. The lists eventually contained tens of thousands of people with various ties to secret service. An electronic form with an easy search function was added later.

Years later, in 2003, similar though much shorter lists were published officially by the Czech government. Also the very few personal profiles kept by the StB were made public.

Several public personalities (for example actress Jiřina Bohdalová) sued the government, because they were included in the "informers files" unjustifiably - and some of them won their cases.

Other activities

Cibulka is publisher of the online political journal "UNCENSORED NEWSPAPER" [ [] ] ("NECENZUROVANÉ NOVINY", the usage of uppercase letters is intentional and used frequently throughout his texts).

Cibulka is founder and leader of a tiny political party "The Rightist Bloc" ("Pravý blok"). The complete name of the party, as it appears on election ballots in 2008, is [See website of the party.] :

: Volte Pravý Blok - stranu za snadnou a rychlou ODVOLATELNOST politiků a státních úředníků přímo občany, za NÍZKÉ daně, VYROVNANÝ rozpočet, MINIMALIZACI byrokracie, SPRAVEDLIVOU a NEZKORUMPOVANOU policii a justici, REFERENDA a PŘÍMOU demokracii WWW.CIBULKA.NET, kandidující s nejlepším protikriminálním programem PŘÍMÉ demokracie VY NEVĚŘÍTE POLITIKŮM A JEJICH NOVINÁŘŮM? NO KONEČNĚ! VĚŘME SAMI SOBĚ!!! - ale i s mnoha dalšími DŮVODY, proč bychom měli jít tentokrát VŠICHNI k volbám, ale - pokud nechceme být ZNOVU obelháni, podvedeni a okradeni - NEVOLIT žádnou parlamentní stranu vládnoucí (post) komunistické kriminální fízlokracie!!! – jenž žádá o volební podporu všechny české občany a daňové poplatníky, kteří chtějí změnit dnešní kriminální poměry, jejichž jsme všichni obětí, v jejich pravý opak! V BOJI MEZI DOBREM A ZLEM, PRAVDOU A LŽÍ, NELZE BÝT NEUTRÁLNÍ A PŘESTO ZŮSTAT SLUŠNÝ!!! Proto děkujeme za Vaši podporu!!! byla založena pod původním názvem Pravý Blok již v r.1996 poté, co politicky, programově i lidsky totálně selhala vedoucí politická reprezentace tehdejší uměle založené a vždy spolehlivě kontrolované pseudopravicové Demokratické unie, stojící na dávno překonaných principech "demokratického centralismu", prázdných ideologiích a zejména na nedůvěře ve schopnosti svobodné a zodpovědné lidské bytosti vládnout sama sobě.

Literary translation of the name into English (formatted as bullet list):: Vote for the Rightist Bloc :* - the party for easy and fast RECALL of politicians and office holders directly by the citizens, for LOW taxes, BALANCED budget, MINIMIZATION of bureaucracy, JUST and NONCORRUPT police and justice, REFERENDUM and DIRECT democracy [ WWW.CIBULKA.NET] , the candidate with the best anticriminal programme of DIRECT democracy :* YOU DO NOT TRUST THE POLITICIANS AND THEIR JOURNALISTS? FINALLY! TRUST ONLY YOURSELVES!!! :* - and for many other REASONS, why we should this time ALL vote, but - if we do not want to be lied AGAIN, cheated and robbed - DON'T VOTE for any of the parliament parties ruling the (post) communist criminal policecracy!!! :* - which asks for election support all Czech citizens and taxpayers who want to change the current criminal situation, whose victims are we all, into the opposite. :* IN THE STRUGGLE BETWEEN THE GOOD AND BAD, THE TRUTH AND THE LIE, IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO STAY NEUTRAL AND STILL REMAIN RESPECTABLE!!! We thank for your help!!! :* was established under original name The Rightist Bloc already in year 1996, after the political and moral failure of the representation of the artificial and reliably controlled pseudorightist Democratic Union party which kept on the long discredited principle of "democratic centralism", empty ideologies and especially on distrust in ability of the people to be able to rule themselves freely and responsibly.

Cibulka argues that the information blockade by the Czech media necessitated to use the name to deliver his programme to the public.


External links

Texts in Czech language:
* [ Biography, written by Cibulka]
* [ Online Cibulka lists, with searching]
* [ The party website]

Other links in English:
* [ Dissident voices] , by J.R. Nyquist, "WorldNetDaily", February 26, 2001
* [ Dissident voices again] , by J.R. Nyquist, "WorldNetDaily", August 23, 2001
* [ Operation Wedge: Something the CIA left in the trash]
* [ Communism is not dead! The Petr Cibulka interview] , by J.R. Nyquist
* [ In Eastern Europe Things Are Not What They Seem: An interview with Petr Cibulka] , by Jan Malina, 10 March 2003
* [ August 2003 Interview with Petr Cibulka] , Questions posed by Jan Malina. Translation by Jan Malina
* [ The Great Deception: An Interview With Petr Cibulka, Part I] , by Jan Malina, 16 August 2004
* [ The Great Deception: An Interview With Petr Cibulka, Part II] , 30 August 2004
* [ PART I, Petr Cibulka Interview, Spring 2005] , by Jan Malina. Edited by J.R. Nyquist
* [ PART II, Petr Cibulka Interview, Spring 2005]
* [ PART III, Petr Cibulka Interview, Spring 2005]
* [ PART IV, Petr Cibulka Interview, Spring 2005]

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