- Lord's Witnesses
The Lords' Witnesses is an international
Christian church based in theUnited Kingdom under the direction of Gordon Ritchie, the founder. Its teachings are based on the belief that thebible was written in a symbolic code that was to be decoded in the last days of the world for the salvation of mankind. The Lord's Witnesses believe that salvation by God, throughJesus Christ is available for persons of all backgrounds and faiths. They do not believe that one has to join a religion in order to be saved, but that each person must, at the very least, act in harmony with their internal conscience.The Lords' Witnesses believe that their church is the 4th and last true church to be established before the biblical Battle of
Armageddon takes place ushering the benefits of God's Kingdom to earthly citizens. They believe thatJehovah's Witnesses were the 3rd true church that ultimately fell due to corrupt leadership. Like Jehovah's Witnesses they believe their authority was foretold in the scriptures regarding the time of the end and that their church was established to both correct and teach new understandings of the bible.Since their founding most of their understandings have developed from their interpretation regarding knowing the exact date of the end of the old system of things, which they believe ended with Satan losing his rulership over the earth on March 21, 2008. They understand that we are currently in a transition periode between Jesus gaining judicial rulership and his taking over authority physical on earth.
They now believe that Jesus has returned in the form of his composite "wife", - the 144,000 New Covenant saints, including the 12 apostles - and that they will start openly appear on Novemer 10th, 2008.
ee also
Bible code
*Christian eschatology External links
* [http://www.truebiblecode.com Main site]
* [http://www.biblecodeintro.com LW teaching site with basic understandings]
* [http://www.lordswitnesses.us US main site]
* [http://women.timesonline.co.uk/tol/life_and_style/women/the_way_we_live/article4014800.ece The Times Online interview with Gordon Ritchie (May 28, 2008)]
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