- Viking rock
Viking rock (Vikingarock in Swedish) is a
rock music genre that takes much of its themes from 19th century Viking romanticism, mixing it withrockabilly ,oi! /streetpunk and folk elements. Frequent themes occurring in Viking rock includeVikings andNorse mythology , as well as Sweden's KingKarl XII and theCaroleans .Viking rock is generally associated with Nordic
nationalism ,Fact|date=April 2008 and often linked towhite supremacy . [http://vittoljud.levandehistoria.se/art_vitmakt/28_vitmakt_1.html Vitt oljud: Vikingarock] ] Many make no distinction between Viking rock and white power music, [ [http://www.bra.se/extra/news/?module_instance=3&id=138 BRÅ: Ökad utgivning av Vit maktmusik under 1990-talet] ] and there is debate whether Viking rock is essentially racist. [ [http://www.levandehistoria.se/node/1571 Expo: Musik i gränslandet] ] The major Viking rock band Ultima Thule has denounced racism andxenophobia .Fact|date=August 2008Viking rock bands
* Glittertind
* Hel [ [http://www.dn.se/DNet/jsp/polopoly.jsp?d=1058&a=141441 DN: Mondo avbokar vikingarock efter protester] ]
* Ultima ThuleExternal links
* [http://www.vikingarock.se Vikingarock.se] - Swedens largest homepage about Viking rock
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