- Eothyrididae
name = Eothyrididae
fossil_range = Early Permian
image_width = 250px
image_caption = life restoration of "Eothyris parkeyi", body shape is conjectural since only the skull is known
regnum =Animalia
phylum = Chordata
subphylum = Vertebrata
classis =Synapsid a
ordo =Pelycosaur ia
subordo =Caseasauria
familia = Eothyrididae
familia_authority = Romer and Price,1940
subdivision_ranks = Genera
subdivision = "Eothyris " "Oedaleops "The Eothyrididae were a small group of very primitive, insectivoroussynapsids . Only two genera are known,Eothyris andOedaleops , both from the earlyPermian of North America. Their main distinguishing feature is the large caniniform tooth in from of themaxilla .Eothyridids share with the
Caseidae a number of specialised features associated with the morphology of the snout and external naris and it is likely that they were ancestral to them. The two together form the cladeCaseasauria .Until now only the skulls of two species are long were well known, "Eothyris" and "Oedaleops", that respectively approximately 6 centimeter that the total length of the animals under 1 meter amounted to. The skulls are characterized through an incidentally wide, flat form and a large skull window. In the waiter jaw, two were enlarged in "Eothyris" per jaw half, are eyetooth good teeth, that without counterpart in the lower jaw - in "Oedaleops" by far more weakly were stamped these teeth. The remaining
teeth are uniform, small and sharpened, assuming that meat or insects are the nourishment of the Eothyrididae. Of the remaining body, nofossil s were found until now.Both species are only out of the lower
Permian well known out ofNorth America . Systematically the Eothyrididae with theCaseidae form stands the group of theCaseasauria that at the basis of theSynapsid s and forms that the sister group of theEupelycosauria , out of which theTherapsids (the "mammal-like reptiles") evolved.ee also
Evolution of mammals References
* Carroll, R. L. (1988), "Vertebrate Paleontology and Evolution",
WH Freeman & Co .
* Reisz, R. R., 1986, "Handbuch der Paläoherpetologie – Encyclopedia of Paleoherpetology, Part 17A Pelycosauria" Verlag Dr. Friedrich Pfeil, ISBN 3-89937-032-5
* Romer, AS & Price L.I (1940), Review of the Pelycosauria. "Geol. Soc. Amer. Spec. Papers" 28: 1-538.External links
* [http://tolweb.org/notes/?note_id=466 Tree of Life]
* [http://www.palaeos.com/Vertebrates/Units/Unit390/100.html Palaeos Vertebrates 390.100 Synapsida]
* [http://www.kheper.net/evolution/pelycosauria/Eothyrididae.html Kheper.net]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.