

French commune
canton=Canton of Saint-Pol-sur-Ternoise
maire= Maurice Louf
intercomm=Communauté de communes du Saint-Polois
alt moy=87 m
alt mini=82 m
alt maxi=149 m

Saint-Pol-sur-Ternoise is a commune of northern France, chief town of the canton of Saint-Pol-sur-Ternoise, arrondissement of Arras, in the of Pas-de-Calais "département". Population (1999): 5,548 in the commune, and 14,939 in the canton.


The county of Saint-Pol-sur-Ternoise, usually referred to as just Saint-Pol, was originally a stronghold of the Counts of Flanders and was established as a county in the late 9th century. When the county passed out of the family of the Flemish counts, it remained subject to the Count of Flanders as his vassals until 1180. It became subjects to France, then Artois (1237 -1329), then France again until it ceased to exist as a county and was annexed to France in 1702.

Saint-Pol was first controlled by the Flemish counts, then by the family known as Candavne from early in the 11th century. In 1205 the county passed to the seigneurs of Châtillon through marriage, and remained with this dynasty until 1360 when it passed to the Luxembourg dynasty. Around 1487 the county passed to the Capetian-Bourbon-Vendôme dynasty through marriage, then to the Longueville-Neuchâtel dynasty from around 1563. In 1702 it came under direct rule of France.

In the Middle Ages, several of the Counts of Saint-Pol were active in the Crusades.

List of counts

Flanders dynasty

* *Baldwin I "With the Iron Arm" (?-879), Count of Flanders (858-879)
* *Baldwin II "the Bald" (879-883) and (892-918), Count of Flanders (879-918)

Unknown dynasty

* Rudolf (883-?)

Flanders dynasty (restored)

* Adalolf (918-933)
*Arnulf I "the Great" (933-962), Count of Flanders (918-64)
*Arnulf II (962-988), Count of Flanders (964-88)
*Baldwin IV "the Bearded" (988-c. 1023), Count of Flanders (988-1036)

Candavne dynasty

* Roger I (c. 1023 - 1067)
* Hughes I (1067 - 1070)
* Guy I (1070 - 1083)
* Hugues II (1083 - 1130)
* Hugues III (1130 - 1141)
* Enguerrand (1141 - 1150)
* Anselme (1150 - 1174), son of Hugues III
* Hugues IV (1174 - 1205)

Châtillon dynasty

* Gauchier (1205–1219), married Elisabeth, daughter of Hugues IV
* Guy II (1219–1226), son of Gauchier
* Hugues V (1226–1249), son of Gauchier. Count of Blois (1230–1241)
* Guy III (1249–1289), son of Hugues V
* Hugues VI (1289–1292), son of Guy III. Count of Blois (1283–1307)
* Guy IV (1292–1317), son of Guy III
* Jean I (1317–1344), son of Guy IV
* Guy V (1344–1360), son of Jean I

Luxembourg dynasty

* Guy VI (1360–1371), married Mahaut, daughter of Jean I
* Waleran (1371–1415)
* Philip (1415–1430)
* Jeanne (1430)
* Pierre I (1430–1433)
* Louis I (1433–1475)
* Jean II (1475–1476)
* Pierre II (1476–1482)
* Marie (1482–1547)

Capet-Bourbon-Vendome dynasty

* Francois I (1487–1495) "jure uxoris"
* Francois II (1495–1545)
* Francois III (1545–1546)
* Marie II (1546–1601), succession disputed by the following:
** John III (1557)
** Francois IV (1560–1563)
** Eleonore (1563–1573)
* Francois V (1601–1631)
* Henry (1631–1663)
* Jean Louis (1663–1668) and (1672–1694)
* Charles-Paris (1668–1672)
* Marie III (1694–1705)
**"after her, the County reverts to Louis XIV, King of France, and is incorporated into his dominions"


Saint-Pol-sur-Ternoise was the birthplace of Pierre Repp (1909-1986), humorist and actor.


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