- Saint-Pol-sur-Ternoise
French commune
canton=Canton of Saint-Pol-sur-Ternoise
(chef-lieu )
maire= Maurice Louf
intercomm=Communauté de communes du Saint-Polois
alt moy=87 m
alt mini=82 m
alt maxi=149 m
date-dens=1999Saint-Pol-sur-Ternoise is a commune of northern
France , chief town of thecanton of Saint-Pol-sur-Ternoise ,arrondissement of Arras , in the ofPas-de-Calais "département". Population (1999): 5,548 in the commune, and 14,939 in the canton.History
The county of Saint-Pol-sur-Ternoise, usually referred to as just Saint-Pol, was originally a stronghold of the Counts of Flanders and was established as a county in the late 9th century. When the county passed out of the family of the Flemish counts, it remained subject to the Count of Flanders as his
vassal s until 1180. It became subjects to France, thenArtois (1237 -1329), then France again until it ceased to exist as a county and was annexed to France in 1702.Saint-Pol was first controlled by the Flemish counts, then by the family known as Candavne from early in the 11th century. In 1205 the county passed to the
seigneur s of Châtillon through marriage, and remained with this dynasty until 1360 when it passed to the Luxembourg dynasty. Around 1487 the county passed to the Capetian-Bourbon-Vendôme dynasty through marriage, then to the Longueville-Neuchâtel dynasty from around 1563. In 1702 it came under direct rule of France.In the
Middle Ages , several of the Counts of Saint-Pol were active in theCrusades .List of counts
Flanders dynasty
* *Baldwin I "With the Iron Arm" (?-879),
Count of Flanders (858-879)
* *Baldwin II "the Bald" (879-883) and (892-918),Count of Flanders (879-918)Unknown dynasty
* Rudolf (883-?)
Flanders dynasty (restored)
* Adalolf (918-933)
*Arnulf I "the Great" (933-962),Count of Flanders (918-64)
*Arnulf II (962-988),Count of Flanders (964-88)
*Baldwin IV "the Bearded" (988-c. 1023),Count of Flanders (988-1036)Candavne dynasty
* Roger I (c. 1023 - 1067)
* Hughes I (1067 - 1070)
* Guy I (1070 - 1083)
* Hugues II (1083 - 1130)
* Hugues III (1130 - 1141)
* Enguerrand (1141 - 1150)
* Anselme (1150 - 1174), son of Hugues III
* Hugues IV (1174 - 1205)Châtillon dynasty
* Gauchier (1205–1219), married Elisabeth, daughter of Hugues IV
* Guy II (1219–1226), son of Gauchier
* Hugues V (1226–1249), son of Gauchier.Count of Blois (1230–1241)
* Guy III (1249–1289), son of Hugues V
* Hugues VI (1289–1292), son of Guy III. Count of Blois (1283–1307)
* Guy IV (1292–1317), son of Guy III
* Jean I (1317–1344), son of Guy IV
* Guy V (1344–1360), son of Jean ILuxembourg dynasty
* Guy VI (1360–1371), married Mahaut, daughter of Jean I
* Waleran (1371–1415)
* Philip (1415–1430)
* Jeanne (1430)
* Pierre I (1430–1433)
* Louis I (1433–1475)
* Jean II (1475–1476)
* Pierre II (1476–1482)
* Marie (1482–1547)Capet-Bourbon-Vendome dynasty
* Francois I (1487–1495) "
jure uxoris "
* Francois II (1495–1545)
* Francois III (1545–1546)
* Marie II (1546–1601), succession disputed by the following:
** John III (1557)
** Francois IV (1560–1563)
** Eleonore (1563–1573)
* Francois V (1601–1631)
* Henry (1631–1663)
* Jean Louis (1663–1668) and (1672–1694)
* Charles-Paris (1668–1672)
* Marie III (1694–1705)
**"after her, the County reverts to Louis XIV, King of France, and is incorporated into his dominions"Miscellaneous
Saint-Pol-sur-Ternoise was the birthplace of
Pierre Repp (1909-1986), humorist and actor.Pictures
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.