

name = Varanopseidae

image_width = 250px
image_caption = "Varanops brevirostris"
fossil_range = Late Carboniferous to early Late Permian
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
superclassis = Tetrapoda
classis = Synapsida
ordo = Pelycosauria
unranked_familia = Eupelycosauria
familia = Varanopseidae
subdivision_ranks = Groups
subdivision = See "taxonomy"

Varanopseids were a group of synapsid pelycosaurs that resemble monitor lizards and may have had the same lifestyle, hence their name. No varanopseids developed a sail like "Dimetrodon". Most varanopseids were small ranging from lizard-sized animals to the size of a dog. Varanopseids already showed some advanced characteristics of true pelycosaurs such as deep, narrow, elongated skulls. Their jaws were long, and the teeth were sharp. However, they were still primitive by mammalian standards. Like many other pelycosaur families, they evolved from an "Archaeothyris"-like synapsid from the Late Carboniferous. They have long tails, lizard-like body, and thin legs. Varanopseids were mostly carnivorous, but as they were reduced in size, their diets changed from a carnivorous to an insectivorous lifestyle. Compared to the other animals in Early Permian, Varanopseids were agile creatures. But the last of the varanopseids were outcompeted, they were replaced by the evolving diapsids and by the early part of Late Permian, they became extinct.

Taxonomy and Phylogeny

*Class Synapsida
*Order Pelycosauria
***Family Varanopseidae
****Subfamily Mycterosaurinae
****Subfamily Varanodontinae

External links

* [ Varanopseidae] - at Paleos

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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