1839 in science

1839 in science

The year 1839 in science and technology involved some significant events, listed below.


*Theodor Schwann proposes that all living matter is made up of cells


*Carl Mosander discovers lanthanum


*James Clark Ross sets off on the first scientific expedition to survey Antarctica


*Roderick Murchison names the Silurian period


*January 9 - The French Academy of Sciences announces the Daguerreotype photography process
*Invention of the bicycle by Kirkpatrick Macmillan
*Invention of the fuel cell by William Grove
*Development of vulcanized rubber by Charles Goodyear
*Development of Babbitt metal by Isaac Babbitt


*Copley Medal: Robert Brown
*Wollaston Medal: Christian Gottfried Ehrenberg


*February 11 - Josiah Willard Gibbs (d. 1903), theoretical physicist, chemist.
*April 12 - Nikolai Przhevalsky (d. 1888), explorer.


*April 8 - Pierre Prévost (b. 1751), physicist.
*June 27 - Allan Cunningham (b. 1791), botanist and explorer.
*August 28 - William Smith (b. 1769), geologist
*September 29 - Friedrich Mohs (b. 1773), German mineralogist
*November 15 - William Murdoch (b. 1754), inventor and technician.

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