- Weak pronouns in Catalan
The weak pronouns in Catalan (known in Catalan as "clítics" or "pronoms febles") are
proform s that, as the name indicates, are never emphasized vocally. All are monosyllables, and all must always fall immediately before or after averb : they cannot be used on their own or attached to a different element of the sentence. The construct of the verb plus the weak pronoun or pronouns that follow always has a single emphasized vowel, that of the verb. The weak pronoun or pronouns that precede a verb form a similar "block" with the word that precedes the verb or with the verb itself.The weak pronouns in Catalan include
pronoun s:
*"us"And non-nominal
proform s, namely:
*"en"The majority of these weak pronouns may have four different forms, depending on their position in a sentence. "Aspects of this issue are discussed in and in
Combination of weak pronouns in Catalan ."*Full form ("forma plena"): This is the canonical form. The weak pronoun consists of a consonant followed by a vowel (some also have an s suffixed to that).
*Reinforced form ("forma reforçada"): The weak pronoun consists of a vowel followed by a consonant (some also have an s suffixed to that).
*Elided form ("forma elidida"): The weak pronoun consists of a consonant followed by an apostrophe.
*Reduced form ("forma reduïda"): The weak pronoun consists of an apostrophe followed by a consonant or consonants (some also have an s suffixed to that).Forma plena Forma reforçada Forma elidida Forma reduïda me em m' 'm te et t' 't se es s' 's lo el l' 'l la - l' - los els - 'ls les - - - ne en n' 'n ho - - - li - - - hi - - - nos ens - 'ns vos us - - Dialectal Variations
Use of weak pronouns varies significantly across the Catalan linguistic area.
Northern Catalan (particularly as spoken in
North Catalonia ) andBalearic Islands does not generally use the reinforced forms (e.g.: "te veig", instead of "et veig").In the
imperative mood in Northern Catalan, the reduced form of the pronoun is replaced by a "tonic" form (thus, not strictly being a "weak" pronoun anymore). For example, "mira'm!" (en: "look at me!") in Northern Catalan is rendered as "mira-mé".Combination of weak pronouns in Catalan
"This diagram describing the combination of weak pronouns in Catalan provides further detail for the discussion of weak pronouns in the article
Catalan grammar ."Catalan has a complex pattern for combining weak pronouns. The following diagram displays this pattern in detail. In each box of the diagram, forms are given in the following order:
#Form used before a
verb that begins with avowel .
#Form used before a verb that begins with aconsonant .
#Form used after a verb that ends with a vowel except "u".
#Form used after a verb that ends with a consonant and "u".References
*cite journal| title=Feature Structure of Romance Clitics| first=Eulàlia| last=Bonet| journal=Natural Language & Linguistic Theory| volume=13| issue=4| year=1995| pages=607–647| doi=10.1007/BF00992853
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