- List of villages in Vestfold
This is a list of villages in
Vestfold , a county ofNorway . For other counties see thelists of villages in Norway .The list excludes cities located in Vestfold.
*cite book | first= | last=Statens kartverk | coauthors= | title=Kunnskapsforlagets store Norgesatlas | publisher=Kunnskapsforlaget | location=Oslo | year=1996 | editor= | id=ISBN 82-573-0742-4
*cite web | author=Falling Rain Genomics, Inc.| year=2004| title=Directory of Cities and Towns in Vestfold Fylke, Norway | format= | work=Global Gazetteer Version 2.1 | url=http://www.fallingrain.com/world/NO/20/ | accessdate=2007-03-27
*cite paper | author=Statistics Norway | title=Urban settlements. Population and area, by municipality. 1 January 2005 | date=2005 | url=http://www.ssb.no/en/beftett/tab-2005-06-03-01-en.html
*cite web | author=Statens kartverk | year=2003 | title=Map service (Kvasir) | format= | work= | url=http://www.kvasir.no/kart/ | accessdate=2006-04-29
*cite web | author=Statistics Norway | title=Kart over tettsteder og sentrumsområder 1. januar 2005 | date=2005 | format= PDF| url=http://www.ssb.no/emner/01/01/20/tettstedkart/fylke12.pdf
*cite web | author=Støverud, Henning| year=2001 | title=Postal code search | format= | work= | url=http://www.stoverud.no/content.php?page=poststeder_form | accessdate=2006-04-29External links
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