- Wheat leaf rust
image_caption = Symptons of wheat leaf rust
name = "Puccinia triticina"
regnum =Fungi
phylum =Basidiomycota
classis =Urediniomycetes
ordo =Uredinales
familia =Pucciniaceae
genus = "Puccinia "
species = "P. triticina"
binomial = "Puccinia triticina"
binomial_authority = Erikss. 1899
synonyms = "Puccinia dispersa" f. sp. "tritici" Erikss. & E. Henn. 1894
"Puccinia recondita" f. sp. "tritici" (Eriks. & E. Henn.) D.M. HendersonWheat leaf rust, also known as brown rust, is a serious fungal disease affecting
wheat andrye caused by "Puccinia triticina". It is the most prevalent of all the wheat rust diseases, occurring in nearly all areas where wheat is grown. It has caused seriousepidemics inNorth America ,Mexico andSouth America .It is most destructive on
winter wheat , probably because this allows the pathogen tooverwinter . Infections can lead to a 1-20%yield loss because infected leaves die earlier and all the nutrients are directed to the growing fungi. Infection can also causegrain to shrivel.The
pathogen has anasexual andsexual cycle. In North America, South America andAustralia the pathogen only undergoes its asexual cycle. However this does not seem to be a disadvantage to it, and wheat leaf rust has manyraces with differentvirulence . The sexual life cycle of wheat leaf rust requires a different host species, "Thalictrumn spp".Wheat Stem Rust spreads via airborne
spores . The germination process requires moisture, and works best at 100%humidity . Optimum temperature forgermination is between 15-20 C. Before sporulation, wheat plants appear completelyasymptomatic . This is because rust pathogens are biotrophic and require livingplant cells to survive.Life cycle
"P. triticina" has an
asexual andsexual life cycle. In order to complete it's sexuallife cycle "P. triticina" requires a second host "Thalictrumn spp." which it will overwinter on. In places where "Thalictrum" does not grow, such asAustralia , the pathogen will only undergo its asexual life cycle and will overwinter asmycelium oruredinia . The germination process requires moisture and temperatures between 15 – 20 °C. After around 10 – 14 days of infection, the fungi will begin to sporulate and the symptoms will become visible on the wheat leaves. [ [http://www.ars.usda.gov/main/main.htm - US Department of Agriculture] ]ymptoms
Small brown
pustules develop on the leaf blades in a random scatter distribution. They may group into patches in serious cases. Infectiousspores are transmitted via the soil. Onset of the disease is slow but accelerated in temperatures above 15°C, making it a disease of the mature cereal plant in summer, usually too late to cause significant damage in temperate areas. Losses of between 5 and 20% are normal but may reach 50% in severe cases.Control
Varietal resistance is important. Chemical control with
triazole fungicides may be useful for control of infections up to ear emergence but is difficult to justify economically in attacks after this stage.References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.