Prima TV

Prima TV

Infobox TV channel
name = Prima TV
logofile = PrimaTV .png logosize = 100px
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launch = December, 1997
closed date =
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owner = ProSiebenSat.1 Media AG
slogan = Sparge gheaţa! (Break the ice!)
country = ROU
broadcast area = ROU
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sister names = Kiss TV
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web = []
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Prima TV is a Romanian commercial TV channel, famous mainly for the "Cronica Cârcotaşilor" show and some PSD-related scandals.

Prima TV was launched as one of the first commercial television stations in Romania in December 1997. Now Prima TV is owned and operated by ProSiebenSat.1 Media AG.Prima TV reaches 87% of urban population and is one of the four most successful TV stations in the country.Prima TV is currently changing with new shows, such as "Mondenii" and "Megastar" - the romanian equivalent of American Idol.

Focus is the television main news bulletin, broadcast daily at 18.00 EET



* Mondenii (Romania) (2006-present)
* Trasniti in NATO (Romania) (2004-2007)
* Trasniti din Nato (Romania) (2007-present)
* Nimeni nu-i perfect (Romania) (2007-present)
* The Bold and the Beautiful (United States) (2003-present)
* 7th Heaven (United States) (2000-present)
* Brothers&Sisters (United States) (2008-present)
* LOST (United States) (2007-present)
* (Australia) (TBA)
* General Hospital (United States) (october2008)
* Blue Water High (Australia) (28 september,2008)


Jetix hour

* Shaman King (Japan) (2007-present)
* Totally Spies (France-Canada) (2006-2007)
* Pucca (co-production) (2007-present)
* W.I.T.C.H (France-Canada) (2006-present)
* Sonic X (United States) (2006-2007)
* June&July (France) (2006-2008)


* Schimb de Mame (2006-present)
* O vreau pe Mama inapoi! (2007-present)
* Super Nanny (2006-present)
* Batalia sexelor (2007-2008)
* S.O.S. - Salvati-mi casa! (2007-present)
* Big Brother(romania) (2005-2007)
* Banc Show (2003-2005)
* Nunta in 48 de Ore (2007-2008)
* Reuniunea de Clasa (2002-2003)
* Copiii spun Lucruri Trasnite (2002-2004)
* Vrei sa fii Milardar ? (2003-2004)
* Te crei mai destept? (2007-2008)
* Calendarul anului (2008-present)
* 112: Politia in Actiune (2006-present)
* Tradati in Dragoste (2006-present)
* Capra Vecinului (2008-present)
* Experienta Americana (2008)
* Ring-Ring (2008-present)
* Autoforum (2007-present)
* Levinza prezinta (2006-present)
* Sport,dieta si-o Vedeta (2006-2008)
* Sport cu Florentina (2006-2008)
* Cronica Cârcotaşilor (2001-present)
* Ciao TV (2006-present)
* Interviurile Cristinei Topescu (2007-2008)
* Teo Live (2008-present)
* Momentul Adevarului (2008-present)
* Cireasa de pe Tort (2008-present)
* Calator prin Romania (2008)
* Megastar (2006-present)


* FOCUS (15:00)
* FOCUS 18 (18:00)
* FOCUS PLUS (22:00)
* FOCUS SPORT (18:50)
* Focus METEO
** 1 (16:00)
** 2 (19:00)

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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