Lied Library

Lied Library

The Lied Library building, at 5 stories and convert|302000|sqft|m2, is the largest on University of Nevada, Las Vegas's (UNLV) campus in Las Vegas, Nevada. The University of Nevada, Las Vegas Libraries were established in 1957 and now include the main Lied Library (pronounced LEED), three branch libraries: Architecture Studies Library, Curriculum Materials Library, and Music Library. In addition, two virtual campus' are supported (Shadow Lane and Singapore Campus). The UNLV Libraries offer a collection of over one million volumes, access to over 20,000 online and print journals and more than 2 million additional resources of various media such as microfilm, DVDs, and government publications. The library is equipped with over 250 computers and is part of the campus wireless network. Visitors with identification may use library computers to access the Libraries' online holdings, but Internet access is not available to the general public. []

Special features

The $55.3 million Lied Library first opened its doors on January 8, 2001. The University of Nevada, Las Vegas Libraries have been recognized for several technological innovations, including:

Lied Automated Storage and Retrieval

The Lied Automated Storage and Retrieval (LASR) unit in Lied Library integrates industrial automated materials handling technologies with the online library catalog system to provide an innovative solution to long-term library storage. Three computer-controlled cranes provide access to bins full of stored materials. Library patrons access stored materials through the library catalog. The LASR operator receives the electronic request and activates the appropriate crane to retrieve the materials. LASR is designed to store approximately 600,000 volumes and can be expanded to handle an additional 600,000 volumes. Currently items such as older bound periodicals and lesser-used government publications and microforms are stored in LASR. []

Media Distribution System

The [ Media and Computer Services Department] in Lied Library provides viewing and listening capabilities for the media collection via an integrated video network system (Safari). This system allows the delivery of analog and digital media to library carrels, preview rooms, multimedia PCs, library classrooms, and conference rooms. The media distribution system is currently equipped to play back VHS, DVDs, CDs, audio cassettes and selected cable channels, and to receive satellite downlinks. This system frees the user from having to move from machine to machine and from physically handling all the equipment and materials, and it links beyond Lied Library and connects with selected branch libraries, conference rooms, and campus classrooms. []

Digital ID

Lied Library, Curriculum Materials Library and the Architecture Studies Library have implemented a state-of-the-art collection management system using the 3M "Digital Materials Flow Management" system. The system uses radio frequency identification (RFID), allowing staff to track, identify, and control library material more efficiently. The Digital ID technology is used in the Libraries' self-checkout stations and in the staff workstations to handle borrowing transactions. A hand held scanner is used by staff to rapidly check shelf order, to search for missing items, to perform inventories, and to record in-house use of most items. The Architecture Studies Library incorporated the same system during the summer of 2006. []

External links

* [ UNLV Libraries webpage]
* [ UNLV Special Collections]
* [ UNLV Architecture Studies Library]
* [ UNLV Digital Collections and Exhibits]
* [ UNLV Libraries - A Brief History]
* [ Lied Library Construction Photo Archive]


1. Starkweather, Wendy. [ University Libraries Fact Sheet] . University of Nevada, Las Vegas, University Libraries. Last updated: Sept 7, 2005. Accessed: June 4, 2007.

2.Chung, Su Kim. [ UNLV Libraries - A Brief History] Accessed: June 4, 2007.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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