- Waipounamu
Te Hui Amorangi O Te Waipounamu is an
episcopal polity (ordiocese ) of theAnglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia . The Hui Amorangi encompasses theSouth Island ofNew Zealand in its entirety and alsoStewart Island and theChatham Islands . According to the 2001 census there are approximately 15,000Māori Anglicans within this area. Te Waipounamu is one of five Hui Amorangi (episcopal units) that comprise Te Pihopatanga o Aotearoa, the Māori Anglican Church in Aotearoa/New Zealand.Ministry
There are 10 Ministry Units in Te Waiponamu.
Archdeaconry of Te Tauihu O Te Waka.
*MotuekaArchdeaconry of Te Tai Poutini
*HokitikaArchdeaconry of
*InvercargillArchdeaconry of
The Amorangi is governed by the Hui Amorangi, a representative
synod that meets annually. The Executive Committee meets four times a year, as well as the meeting of the Hui Amorangi Trust Board.The Amorangi comes under the episcopal leadership of the Bishop of Te Wai Pounamu, The Right Reverend John Robert Kuru Gray CQSWK, Dip SS (Hons), LTh (Aot), Dip Pys, DSM. Bishop Gray was consecrated bishop in 1996, and is the first Māori bishop of the South Island.
The Venerable Andy Josephs is the Archdeacon of Te Tau Ihu, overseeing the four northern units. The Venerable Richard Wallace is archdeacon of Te Tai Poutini, overseeing the two West Coast units. The Venerable Miki Thompson is the archdeacon of Otautahi and Murihiku overseeing one Christchurch unit and three southern units. The administrator of the Te Waipounamu Amorangi is Ms. Raquel Gray.
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