- Illyrius
Illyrius ( _el. Ιλλυριός) is a name known in different stories found in ancient
Greek mythology . In one of these stories, Illyrius was the son ofCadmus andHarmonia who eventually ruled Illyria and become theeponymous ancestor of the whole Illyrian people. [Apollodorus , III, 61.] However, a different story shows Illyrius as the son of the CyclopsPolyphemus and his wifeGalatea with siblingsCeltus and Galas. [Appian, "The Foreign Wars", III, 1.2.] The children of Polyphemus all migrated fromSicily and ruled over peoples named after them (i.e.Celts ,Illyrians , andGalatia ns). In both stories, Illyrius was deemed as the ancestor of theIllyrians . Illyrius had six sons whose names wereEnchelus ,Autarieus ,Dardanus , Maedus,Taulas andPerrhaebus . He also gave rise to daughters whose names were Partho, Daortho, Dassaro, and others. The children of Illyrius gave birth to the (actual tribes follow)Taulantii , thePerrhaebi ,Enchelaeae ,Autariates ,Dardani ,Partheni ,Dassaretae and theDaors . Autarieus had a son named Pannonius (or Paeon). Pannonius then had two sons, Scordiscus andTriballus , from whom also nations bearing similar names originated. [Wilkes, pp. 91-92.]References
*Wilkes, John. "The Illyrians". Blackwell, 1992. ISBN 0631198075
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