Theodor Landscheidt

Theodor Landscheidt

Theodor Landscheidt (born in 1927 in Bremen, Germany, died on May 20, 2004) was an author, astrologer and amateur climatologist. [cite book|title=Sun, Earth, Man |publisher=Urania Trust |isbn=1871989000 |pages=Introduction |year=1989 |last=Landscheidt |first=Theodor]

In 1989, Landscheidt forecast a period of sunspot minima after 1990, accompanied by increased cold, with a stronger minima and more intense cold which should peak in 2030 [] , which he described as the "Landscheidt Minimum" Landscheidt, T. New Little Ice Age Instead of Global Warming. Energy and Environment 14, 327-350. - 2003] Landscheidt argued that observed warming is not anthropogenic and will soon be reversed, based on an assumption that fluctuations in climate are controlled by solar activity. [cite book|title=Global Warming and Global Cooling: Evolution of Climate on Earth |first=O.G. |last=Sorokhtin |publisher=Elsevier Science |year=2007 |pages=169 |isbn=0444528156]

In 1983 he founded and financed the Schroeter Institute for Research in Cycles of Solar Activity in Lilienthal, near Bremen. [cite book|title=Solar Rain |year=2005 |publisher=Earth Changes Press |isbn=0977134830 |pages=48 |first=Mitch |last=Battros] The Institute (for which Landscheidt appears to have been the only active researcher) later moved with him to Nova Scotia, Canada.

Peer reviewed articles

*Landscheidt, T. 2000. River Po Discharges And Cycles Of Solar Activity - Discussion. Hydrological Sciences Journal-Journal Des Sciences Hydrologiques 45 (3): 491-493. Times Cited: 4

*Landscheidt, T. 1999. Extrema In Sunspot Cycle Linked To Sun's Motion. Solar Physics 189 (2): 415-426. Times Cited: 15

*Landscheidt, T. 1988. Solar Rotation, Impulses Of The Torque In The Suns Motion, And Climatic Variation. Climatic Change 12 (3): 265-295. Times Cited: 7

*Landscheidt, T. 1987. Cyclic Distribution Of Energetic X-Ray Flares. Solar Physics 107 (1): 195-199. Times Cited: 1

*Landscheidt, T. 1981. Swinging Sun, 79-Year Cycle, And Climatic-Change. Journal Of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research 12 (1): 3-19. Times Cited: 5


* Cosmic cybernetics: The foundations of a modern astrology; Ebertin-Verlag (1973), ASIN: B0006CFNX6
* Sun, Earth, Man: A Mesh of Cosmic Oscillations - How Planets Regulate Solar Eruptions, Geomagnetic Storms, Conditions of Life and Economic Cycles; Urania Trust (Mar 1989), ISBN-10: 1871989000


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