- Fasciculus gracilis
Infobox Anatomy
Latin = f. gracilis medullae spinalis
GraySubject = 185
GrayPage = 762
Caption = Fasciculus cuneatus is 3a, in blue at upper right.
Caption2 = Diagram of the principal fasciculi of the spinal cord.
Width = 325
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DorlandsPre = f_03
DorlandsSuf = 12355926
The fasciculus gracilis (tract of Goll) is a bundle ofaxon fibres in the dorsomedialspinal cord that carries information about fine touch, vibrations, and consciousproprioception from the lower part of the body to thebrain stem . It is part of theposterior column of the spinal cord, which also contains thefasciculus cuneatus which carries the same information from the upper part of the body. This tract and its continuation in the brain stem is often referred to as theposterior column-medial lemniscus pathway .The fasciculus gracilis is wedge-shaped on transverse section and lies next the
posterior median septum , its base being at the surface of themedulla spinalis , and its apex directed toward the posterior gray commissure.It increases in size from below upward, and consists of long thin fibers which are derived from the
posterior nerve roots , and ascend as far as themedulla oblongata , where they end in thenucleus gracilis . The tract of Goll was named after Swissneuroanatomist Friedrich Goll (1829–1903).
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