

Strada is a chain of Italian restaurants in the UK. It was created by Luke Johnson [cite news|url=|title=Luke Johnson: pizza entrepreneur to turn round Borders|date=2 February 2008|publisher=The Daily Telegraph] . It has 64 (as of April 2008) restaurants, mostly in the South of England with a few in the North of England and in Wales. Currently the group is yet to open any restaurants outside of England or Wales. It is positioned as upmarket of Pizza Express.

In May 2007, the group, with several associated brasseries (2 Belgos and 3 Bierodromes - April 2008), was acquired by Tragus Ltd [cite news|url=|title=Strada restaurant chain sold for £140m|publisher=The Guardian|date=31 May 2007] , owner of the Cafe Rouge, Bella Italia, Potters Bar & Kitchen and Huxleys chains.


External links

* [ Official website]

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  • strada — s.f. [lat. tardo strata (sottint. via ), femm. sost. di stratus, part. pass. di sternĕre stendere, selciare ; propr. (via) massicciata ]. 1. (edil.) [striscia di terreno, più o meno lunga e di sezione per lo più costante, attrezzata per il… …   Enciclopedia Italiana

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