

Belgo is a small chain of London restaurants specializing in simple Belgian cooking and Belgian beer. It is associated with a chain of similarly themed bar diners known as Bierodrome. Belgo is noted for its kitchens viewable by customers entering the restaurant, and its kitchen staff who dress as monks. Tours of the kitchens are also available.

Belgo was founded in 1992 by French-Canadian Denis Blais and Anglo-Belgian Andre Plisnier. [ [ Putting the mussel in to Belgian beer] by Nigel Huddleston, "Beers of the World", 26 August, 2005]

Belgo and Bierodrome were bought in 1996 by Luke Johnson, known also for his highly successful stewardship, with colleague Hugh Osmond, of the Pizza Express chain of up-market pizza restaurants in the 1990s. Johnson sold his interest in Belgo in 2005.

There are currently (2008) two Belgo restaurants: Belgo Centraal, on Earlham Street, Covent Garden, and Belgo Noord on Chalk Farm Road. There are Bierodrome diners on Upper Street, Clapham High Street and Kingsway.

Belgo Noord was awarded three stars out of six by Time Out. [ [ Belgo Noord] review by Time Out in 2008. ] The North London branch of CAMRA recommends Bierodrome for the range of bottled Belgian beer and the "friendly and knowledgeable" staff and convivial atmosphere, though the food is described as "hit and miss". [ [ Bierodrome review] , North London branch of Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA), May, 2005]

Belgo and Bierodrome are owned by the "Tragus" catering chain which also owns the French-styled Cafe Rouge chain and the Bella Italia chain of Italian restaurants.


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