Huang Xing

Huang Xing

Huang Xing or Huang Hsing (zh-tspw|t=黃興|s=黄兴|p=Huáng Xīng|w=Huang Hsing; October 25, 1874October 31, 1916), Chinese revolutionary leader, militarist and statesman, was the first arm commander-in-chief of the Republic of China. As one of the founders of the Kuomintang (KMT) and the Republic of China, his position was next to Sun Yat-sen. Together they were known as Sun-Huang during the Xinhai Revolution. He was also known as the "Eight Fingered General" because of wounds sustained during the war.


* In Changsha, Nanzheng Street was renamed to Huang Xing Road in 1934. There are also roads named in honor of Huang Xing in Shanghai and Wuhan.
* The county where Huang Xing was born was renamed to Huang Xing Town in his honor.
*Similar to the Zhongshan Parks, The Huang Xing Park in Shanghai is named after Huang Xing .

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