
Monome device family
Monome 64 and arc2 (foreground), Monome 512 and arc4 (background).

Monome is a family of interface devices for computers made by a Pennsylvania company of the same name. Despite being produced irregularly in small quantities since its introduction in 2006, the Monome button-grid controller has had a significant impact on electronic music.[1][2] Together with the physically similar Yamaha Tenori-On, which was released a year later in 2007,[3] the monome inspired interest in minimalist, grid-based music controllers throughout the industry. That interest spawned hobbyist projects like the Arduinome and commercial products like the Akai APC40,[4] the Novation Launchpad,[5] and the Livid Instruments Block and Ohm64.

The Monome has a minimalist design. It is simply a box with no letters or labels. There are random buttons that are back-lit. The box that holds the monome is entirely made up of timber, usually walnut.

Monome devices do not produce any sound on their own; they must be connected to a computer. A core design principle of the Monome is that it is not intended for any one specific application — the function of each button and the decision as to which lights are lit are completely up to the software communicating with the device over the Open Sound Control protocol.[6] Since 2006, several models have been produced, with typical sizes ranging from 64 to 256 buttons[7] — plus a very limited run of 512-button devices.[8] In 2011, the first non-grid controller in the Monome family was introduced, the Monome Arc.[9]

Monome applications span a wide variety of capabilities. Several applications provide sample sequencing capabilities. One such application is MLR, an application that allows for live sequencing and re-cutting of samples. There are also many applications that allow for synthesis either via their own internal synthesizers or by sending MIDI/OSC messages to external synthesizers. The range of applications is very wide and varied, as per the nature of the platform itself.

Notable users include progressive house producer deadmau5, hip-hop producer Flying Lotus,[10] electronic DJ/producer Daedelus,[11] and Nine Inch Nails contributor Alessandro Cortini.[12] On August 31, 2009, singer-songwriter Imogen Heap appeared on the David Letterman show and sang sitting at a grand piano with a Monome in her lap. Letterman was intrigued by the device, and, while playing with it, jokingly asked "Am I contacting someone from space?" Paul Shaffer replied, "You just Twittered Ashton Kutcher."[13]

See also


  1. ^ Peter Kirn (3/7/2011). "On arcs and monomes, a Loyal Community Makes Music Together". Create Digital Music. 
  2. ^ "Monome: Music with Buttons". 3/29/2011. 
  3. ^ Donald Bell (8/23/2007). "SoundSquare standoff: Monome vs. Tenori-On". CNet News. 
  4. ^ "Did The Monome Just Become Irrelevant?". Synthopia. 6/13/2009. 
  5. ^ Peter Kirn (10/1/2009). "First Hands-on: Novations New $199 Launchpad Grid Controller for Ableton Live". Create Digital Music. 
  6. ^ Ryan Block (4/14/2006). "Music Thing: Monome Controller". Engadget. 
  7. ^ "A Brief History of monome Production". The Stretta Procedure. 3/2/2010. 
  8. ^ James Lewin (4/5/2010). "Monome 512 Available Via Limited Auction". Sonic State. 
  9. ^ Joseph L. Flatley (1/24/2011). "Monome Arc OSC controller is simple, elegant, and expensive". Engadget. 
  10. ^ Frere-Jones, Sasha (12/1/2008), "Heavy Water: Steven Ellisons atomization of hip-hop", The New Yorker, 
  11. ^ Jose Garza (11/7/2010). "DaedalusThe God of the monome". MyBeatFix. 
  12. ^ ninofficial (12/11/2007). "30:5". YouTube. 
  13. ^ Ben Rogerson (9/1/2009). "Imogen Heap plays Monome on Letterman show". Music Radar. 

External links

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  • monôme — [ mɔnom ] n. m. • 1691; de mono , d apr. binôme 1 ♦ Alg. Expression algébrique à un seul terme, polynôme dont un seul coefficient n est pas nul. 3a2bxc est un monôme. 2 ♦ (1878; appelé seul homme en 1836, arg. polytechnique) Cortège formé d une… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • MONÔME — s. m. T. d Algèbre. Grandeur qui est exprimée sans que celles qui la composent soient jointes par les signes plus ou moins …   Dictionnaire de l'Academie Francaise, 7eme edition (1835)

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